Super Club Sandwiches

Number of servings : Prep time: Cooking time: Type of meal : | Sandwiches | Sandwiches Special diet : Ingredients

Number of servings :

Prep time:

Cooking time:

Type of meal : | Sandwiches | Sandwiches

Special diet :


1/4 cup (50 mL) light mayonnaise
1 tsp (5 mL) Dijon mustard
12 slices whole wheat bread, plain or toasted
Lettuce leaves*
4 thin slices turkey breast (or ham)
1 large tomato, thinly sliced*
4 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and sliced
Salt and pepper, to taste
12 basil leaves (optional)


* To keep crisp, wrap lettuce leaves and tomato slices separately with plastic film. Add just before eating.

Combine mayonnaise and mustard. Spread over one side of each slice of bread. Place turkey on top of 4 slices. Top with bread. Place lettuce leaves, tomato slices and hard-cooked egg slices on top; season to taste with salt and pepper. Top with basil leaves. Cover with remaining slices of bread. Cut each sandwich into 4 wedges. Wrap with plastic film and refrigerate.

Makes 4 or 5 servings.

Nutritional information:

Imported on 2011-01-20 16:41:26 — Original ID:576