13 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs to Stay Healthy
Are you getting enough of the 13 essential vitamins your body needs to stay healthy? Here’s what each vitamin does—and how to achieve the recommended daily intake through a healthy diet.

What Happens When You Start Walking 10,000 Steps a Day
Considering this popular fitness goal? Read this first.

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids That Actually Work
Get the secrets to quick relief from the pain and itching.

How to Get Rid of Hiccups
Why do hiccups always seem to strike at the worst possible moment? Here’s how to get rid of hiccups fast.

A Guide to the Essential Steps of CPR
Doing CPR right away can double or even triple a person’s chance of surviving cardiac arrest.

The Best Remedies for Constipation Relief
These natural home remedies for constipation will help get your bowels back on track.

“Dark Room” Concussion Treatment Was Wrong—Here’s a Better Way to Recovery
Doctors once prescribed resting in the dark as a treatment for concussions. But recent research shows there is a better...

Yes, Your Seasonal Allergies Are Getting Worse
Climate change is exacerbating seasonal allergies for one in four Canadians who dread the first sniff of spring. Here's how...

How Dancing Helps People With Dementia, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis
Research shows dancing can help improve the lives of people with neurocognitive and movement disorders.

A Lyme Disease Vaccine Is Coming—Here’s What You Need to Know
In the meantime, here's how to protect yourself from ticks.

Your Alarm Clock Could Give You a Heart Attack!
To avoid high blood pressure in the morning, here's how science suggests you can make a tweak for a healthier...

Is That a Doctor in Your Pocket?
This 18-year-old developed an AI-powered diagnostic app that is like a Shazam for symptoms of a rare heart condition.

13 Mind-Bending Facts About Yoga
Meditate on these mindfulness-inducing facts about the ancient practice of yoga.

Oh, No: Vertigo! Here’s How to Handle It.
If your world is spinning, you're not alone: vertigo is more common than you think. Here's how to manage your symptoms.

8 Ways Stress Wrecks Your Body
Stress doesn't just affect your mental health. Your entire body feels it.

The Best Tech for Seniors Aging in Place
From automatic pill dispensers to motion sensors, these devices can help you or your aging loved ones live at home...

It’s True: Runner’s High Benefits Both Mind and Body
Regular exercise releases "happy hormones" into the bloodstream, which may help alleviate depression

Dementia Breakthroughs Offer New Hope
New treatments and tests for dementia are finally here, after decades of disappointments.

Why Foods With Artificial Dyes Should Have Warning Labels
Some U.S. states may soon require warning labels on products containing certain food dyes. Should Canada do the same?

3 Steps for Taking Control of Your Rheumatoid Arthritis
Remission is an important treatment goal. Here’s what to know.

Is Cracking Your Knuckles Bad for You?
Mom always warned it would lead to arthritis, but is there any research to back up that claim? Our medical...

Doctors Reveal the Vitamins They Take During Cold and Flu Season
Want to bolster your defenses against viruses? Take a cue from these medical professionals.

13 Polite Habits Hairdressers Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead
Sometimes trying to do all the right things at the salon can backfire. Here’s what to avoid when getting your...

Doctors Dismissed Her Monthly Suffering as Period Pain—Until an Ultrasound Revealed Something Strange
“They’re not allowed to tell you anything, but the technician looked scared. She left to get her supervisor...”

We’re Hard on Our Feet—Here’s How to Show Them Some Love
Foot care tends to be an afterthought, but the condition of your your feet can drastically affect your quality of...

Bathroom Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making
Are your personal hygiene habits putting your health at risk?

13 Silent Signs of Dementia (and How to Spot Them Early)
From sudden personality changes to poor financial decision-making, here are the 13 early signs of dementia you should never ignore.

7 Sleep Secrets From Around the World
Struggling to sleep? We gathered ideas from across the globe—and asked experts to weigh-in on what really works.

This is What Happens When You Eat Too Much Salt
The average Canadian consumes more than double the daily recommended intake of sodium. Here’s why that’s a serious problem—and what...

The Truth About Fatty Liver Disease
Thought fatty liver disease was only a concern for heavy drinkers? Think again. Here's what you need to know about...

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Cutting down salt is just the beginning. Read on for tips on keeping your circulatory system healthy.