Turbot Mousseline With Creamy Sweet Pepper Sauce
Number of servings : Prep time: Cooking time: Type of meal : | Hors d’oeuvres | Hors d’oeuvres Special diet
Number of servings :
Prep time:
Cooking time:
Type of meal : | Hors d’oeuvres | Hors d’oeuvres
Special diet :
300 g (10 oz) turbot fillets
60 ml (1/4 cup) vermouth or white wine
2 grey shallots, chopped finely
3 egg whites
125 ml (1/2 cup) 15% cream for cooking
Salt and white pepper, to taste
50 ml (1/4 cup) dill, minced
1 jar, 250 ml sweet roasted peppers, puréed
125 ml (1/2 cup) 15% cream for cooking
Sprigs of dill, as required
- Preheat oven to 180°C / 350°F.
- Line the bottom of six 125 ml (4 oz) ramequins with parchment paper. Butter generously.
- In a saucepan, bring the fish, wine and shallots to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer two minutes. Remove the fish to the bowl of the food processor.
- Reduce the cooking liquid by half. Place in the food processor with the fish.
- Pulse the fish and reduced liquid until puréed. Add the egg whites, cream, salt and pepper. Process to combine. Add the dill and pulse just to combine.
- Divide the mixture among the ramequins. Place in a bain-marie of very hot water and cover with buttered parchment.
- Bake 15 minutes or until a knife blade inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from oven and allow to rest five minutes before unmolding.
- In a small saucepan, combine the pepper purée and the cream. Heat gently.
- Unmold the ramequins and serve the mousseline with the heated sauce. Garnish with dill sprigs.
Nutritional information:
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