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What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Tea Every Day

From heart-healthy benefits to cancer-fighting properties, find out what can happen to your body when you start drinking tea every...

The Happiness Diet: 7 Foods to Boost Your Mood

Science increasingly suggests certain foods can make you feel happier. Munch your way to a brighter day with this healthy...

This is the Healthiest Fish You Can Eat

Out of all the options in the seafood section, these fish are packed with the most omega-3s, calcium and vitamin...

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15 Foods That Are Natural Laxatives

Keep your digestive tract healthy with one of these foods that are natural laxatives.

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10 Brain-Boosting Breakfast Recipes

A balanced start to the morning gives your brain long-lasting fuel to sustain you. These 10 breakfast recipes will certainly...

This is the Healthiest Bread You Can Buy

Yes, there *is* such a thing as healthy bread! Here’s how to find it on your next trip to the...

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This is What Happens to Your Body When You Skip Breakfast

There's a reason it's called the most important meal of the day.

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The Best Foods for Your Liver, According to Hepatologists and a Dietitian

What you eat every day can help—or hinder—this vital organ's functions.

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50 Ways to Lose Weight Without a Lick of Exercise

With these insider tricks, weight loss can be simple, easy-to-understand and cheap—or even free!

What Makes Hot Sauce Hot?

The science behind hot sauce—and the reason why some sauces are hotter than others—will undoubtedly change the way you think...

20 Proven Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

What to eat, drink, and download to reduce your risk for dementia and maintain a healthy brain.

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14 Healthier Ingredient Substitutions You Never Thought to Try

Sneaky swaps to cut fat, sugar and calories from your favourite recipes—without sacrificing flavour.

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Always Hungry? Find Out the Sneaky Reasons You Can’t Stop Eating

You probably don't have a tapeworm—but it's highly likely you're engaging in these behaviours that are known to trigger the...

These Are the Worst Foods for Your Brain

They can sap your smarts, sour your mood and cloud your memory.

Sea Salt vs. Table Salt: Which is Better for You?

You may have heard the minerals in sea salt make it healthier. But is that true?

10 Easy Ways to Improve Gut Health

Looking for an alternative to expensive probiotics? Here are 10 wallet-friendly ways to improve gut health and reap the rewards...

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10 “Bad” Foods You Can Stop Demonizing

You eliminated these foods from your diet (or still eat them, with guilt). Here's why you can stop all that.

Here’s What Makes Cucumbers Bitter—and How to Fix It

Find out the fascinating science behind that bitter cucumber taste.

This Trendy New Approach to Eating is Being Called the “Anti-Diet”

Intuitive eating is gaining momentum—but is it any healthier than a conventional diet?

20+ Foods That Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

If you're concerned about blood pressure, slashing your sodium intake is only the beginning. Here are more healthy foods worth adding...

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The MIND Diet Meal Plan: A Nutritious Menu to Feed Your Brain

Worried about dementia? Feed your brain with the MIND diet—a healthy meal plan that can reduce your risk of Alzheimer's...

6 Sneaky Things That Trigger IBS Symptoms

Contrary to popular belief, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is not caused by your diet. However, these seven factors could serve...

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The Healthiest Cooking Oils, According to Food Experts

Here's what you need to know about the best cooking oils for your health, including the smoke points, nutrition and...

What Does Activated Charcoal Actually Do?

It’s showing up in toothpaste, shampoos, wellness products and even in our food. Companies tout the ingredient as a cure-all....

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If You’re Not Eating an Apple Every Day, This Might Convince You to Start

It may not keep the doctor away entirely, but it could reduce your risk for everything from dementia to cancer.

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10 of the Healthiest Fruits You Can Buy

Forget fancy superfoods—these nutritious powerhouses are essential staples for any healthy diet.

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20 Antioxidant-Rich Fruits and Vegetables You Should Be Eating

What foods pack the most powerful antioxidant punch? Researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University...

8 Foods You Should Be Eating Raw

You already know not to eat raw chicken or eggs. But eating these surprising foods raw can give you extra...