7 Things You Need To Know About Pet Insurance
Many pet owners consider their furry friend to be an integral part of the family. If you're concerned about potential...

12 Great Quotes About Pets
No matter how big or how small, our beloved pets are our very best friends. Read these 12 inspiring and...

5 iPhone Apps for Pet Lovers
Your cuddly cat or happy dog can sometimes be a real handful, but caring for them shouldn't be a hassle....

Pets Photo Gallery: Pets Taking a Break
It's hard work being a pet! Sometimes they just need to kick back and relax. Check out 10 photos of our...

6 Bad Pet Habits and How to Break Them
We love our furry four-legged friends, but some of their habits we could certainly live without. Here are six common...

8 Strange Animal Hybrids
Very little interspecies mingling takes place in the animal kingdom, since creatures tend to prefer the company of their own...

11 Dog Park Etiquette Tips
It's marvelous to have a spot where your dog can run leash-less and play unfettered with other four-legged friends. But...

7 Unique Ways to Train Your Dog
A well-trained dog or puppy can be a fun, life-enriching experience filled with love, loyalty and companionship. Many dog owners...

Animals in Space
Though by today's standards, sending animals into space would be considered unethical and a violation of animal rights, there was...

Helping Your Pet Lose Weight
Many domestic pets are overweight or obese. Overweight dogs and cats are at greater risk for a wide variety of...

How to Give Your Dog a Massage
You're not the only one who benefits from that trip to the masseuse. Your pooch does, too: He gets a...

Untamable Animals
We all had fantasies when we were children: riding to school on your very own zebra; playing with the manatee...

10 Millionaire Pets
Author Louis Sabin once said, "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes...

5 Musically Talented Animals
It's impressive what hidden talents some animals have. Check out five videos of furry creatures showing off their musical skills.

World’s Oldest Pets
They say old age creeps up like a thief in the night, but these pets certainly beat the odds. Here...

8 Funny Pet Outfits
If there's one thing people love more than taking picutres of their pets, it's dressing them up in cute costumes...

Great Pet Gift Ideas
Your pet doesn't even know what Christmas is, but why not take advantage of the holiday to spoil her a...

Best and Worst Pet Gadgets
If you haven't been in a pet store recently, you may be surprised to see the kinds of critter gadgets...

10 Ways You Can Help Chimpanzees
There are many things you can do to improve the well-being of chimpanzees, whether in the wild or in captivity....

10 Dogs Chilling in Summer
It's the dog days of summer! Check out pictures of 10 pooches that know how to relax and make the...

5 Halloween Costumes for Pets
Halloween is a great time for the whole family to get dressed up--including Fido! Check out five Halloween costumes for...

3 Pet Dental Care Tips
Your pet's bad breath may be more than just an annoyance, warns Alexander Reiter, DVM, of the American Veterinary Dental...

Ask the Expert: Cat’s Hard Tummy Troubling
Your Pet Question: Why does my cat have a hard stomach for two weeks now? She does not have pain,

Ask the Expert: Puppies Eating Litter Box Poop
Your Pet Question: I have two puppies, one is a 10-month-old female Jack Russell, and the other is a 12-week-old male

Ask the Expert: Letting “Inside Cats” Out
Your Pet Question: We have a house cat (not de-clawed) who always wants to get outside. We feel guilty. Should

Ask the Expert: Current Cat Dethroned by Newcomer
Your Pet Question: I have a two-year-old male cat and recently (6 weeks ago) we took in an older (6-ish)

Ask the Expert: Sneaky Dog Steals Snacks
Your Pet Question: How can I stop my shih tzu-bichon from getting up at the table to see what there

Ask the Expert: Are Dogs Ferret-friendly?
Your Pet Question: Can ferrets and dogs get along? I would like to get one but I have two big

Ask the Expert: Incessantly Squawking Cockatiel Annoys Owners
Your Pet Question: I have an Australian cockatiel that screams constantly. We have tried covering her up, using a light