5 Self-Massage Techniques
Have you ever had a professional massage? If you have, you know what a terrific experience it is. Fortunately, you...

5 Ways to Laugh More
One supreme pleasure in life is laughter. No matter your age, wealth, or lifestyle, things are good and life is...

9 Ways to Avoid Coffee Shop Calories
Havens for coffee lovers, specializing in sweet drinks to wash down irresistible pastries and cakes, have become a staple all...

Your Healthy Detox Diet
Read more about a healthy detox for spring and learn to prepare some delicious dishes to keep up a healthy

10 Ways to Boost Your Energy After Lunch
While the midday fatigue is common, it's not inevitable, especially not if you follow these tips.

7 Steps to a Healthy Detox Diet
Forget the juice fasts and the kooky cleanses. Instead, lighten your diet the healthy way by following our simple detox...

4 Facts About Drug Addiction
Do you think you may know someone battling drug addiction? Learn more about the warning signs of addiction and find...

11 Ways to Stay Safe in a Crowd
The advice here is not to avoid crowds. Rather, be sure to follow these tips to keep yourself and your...

10 Secrets to Healthy Dinners
Too tired or unprepared to cook after 10 or 12 hours of perpetual busyness, we often take the easy path:...

8 Ways to Monitor Your Health
Are you living your best (and healthiest) life? Here are eight things you can monitor every day to find out.

A Good Deed a Day
Read how one family made doing good deeds a part of their everyday life and find out how to adopt...

6 Interesting Facts About Allergies
Many misconceptions surround the causes and treatments of allergies. Here are a few interesting facts about allergies that include common...

Not Simple Heartburn
CBC broadcaster and journalist Bill Cameron popped antacids for years without realizing that the common symptoms plaguing him pointed to...

4 Ways to Stop Nosebleeds
Take these four effective tips to stop your nosebleed and get on with your day.

Beer and Wine: Good for Your Bones!?
Sure, milk is good for your bones, but it isn't much fun at cocktail hour. New research is showing that...

6 Ways to Foil Asthma
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) and its allergist members, doctors who are experts at diagnosing and...

Top 10 Halloween Dangers To Watch Out For
Danger lurks on Halloween. Your kids-and you-face everything from minor faux pas to serious threats. Avoid the worst hazards with...

4 Ways to be More Honest
Nobody actually wants to be a liar. But it's just so easy to fudge, blur, omit, and recast information, even...

What Your Type of Music Says About You
Want to know what your type of music says about you? Do you like listening to Metallica or Michael Bublé?...

4 Ways to Change your Diet for Bronchitis Relief
Cold and flu season is coming. Here's some suggestions to change up your diet for bronchitis relief.

How to Choose the Right Sunglasses
With more UV rays filtering through nowadays, it's more important than ever to ensure your glasses are protecting your peepers....

4 Advances in Depression
From different types of therapy, tried and true medication and new treatments, research is offering hope for people battling depression....

6 Tips for Taking Medicines Safely
Medicine is helpful when taken correctly. Here are 6 quick tips for making sure you get the health benefits from...

4 Self-Defeating Habits to Avoid
It's something that many people tend to do-put themselves down without even knowing it. Read up on four common self-defeating...

How to Fight Energy Vampires
We've all dealt with people who put a strain on us emotionally. Read on to find out how to handle...

How to Freshen Your Breath
How should you freshen your breath? Forget fancy mouthwashes and mini-mints. Keep your mouth clean with a healthy diet...

3 Things Moms-to-Be Should Avoid
Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life, but it's also a time to take extra-special care of yourself-for...

10 Ways to Breathe Easier
If you want to be able to blow out all the candles on your cake when you're 75 (assuming your...

Natural Mood Boosters
Find out which natural remedies you can turn to to strengthen your immune system and counter depression, anxiety and other...