The Truth About Deadbeat Dads
For decades, they have been pictured as living the high life -- driving their Porsches, vacationing in exotic places --...
Help Your Teen Get a Summer Job
Spring is the time for them to hone their job-hunting skills -- and get a jump on the competition.
How Polite Are We: Reader’s Digest 2006 Global Courtesy Test
In July of 2006, we ranked the world. Out of 36 cities, Toronto placed third, Montreal 21st.
Do You Have Brain Drain?
Read each statement below. If it sounds like something you would be likely to say or that generally describes your...
Is seaside air really as healthy as many claim?
Sea air really is good for the health. The bracing climate by the sea is especially beneficial to the respiratory...
Six Tips for Healthy Hair
Follow these simple tips and tricks for beautiful, healthy, full hair.
The Transition from Natural to Processed
Manufacturers of processed foods pile on the salt to help create big, attractive flavours.
Baby Clothes: Dos and Don’ts
Are you in the know about the do's and don'ts of dressing baby?
25 Tips For Your Grocery List
These tips will help you cut spending on groceries, eat better, and waste less food!
How to Prevent Sunburn
Sunburn is a redness of the skin caused by an excessive or prolonged exposure to sunlight. It happens when the...
Finding Relief for Migraines
For the estimated 10% of the population who suffer from migraines, there is good news. A growing body of research...
Natural Ways to Treat a Sunburn
A round of golf or an outing at the beach may be a warm-weather treat, but even if you protect...
The Migraine Diet
What causes such distress that dying doesn't seem unreasonable? That's one of the more frustrating things about migraines-headache experts aren't...
What to Do for Migraines
Most migraine sufferers usually experience a one-sided, severe, throbbing or pulsating headache, often accompanied by nausea or vomiting and sensitivity...
What Are the Causes of Warts?
Warts are a common but unpleasant skin condition. They are small, benign skin tumours that appear as growths of varying...
How Do I Get Rid of a Migraine?
The main symptom of migraine is a severe headache, often accompanied by nausea or vomiting. A migraine can last from...
How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat
If you have a sore throat, it's quite likely you have a viral infection. Since only time...
Natural Remedies for Warts
They are the single most common skin complaint-and sooner or later, one in every ten people develops at least one....
Ear Infection Remedies
Medically known as otitis media, middle ear infection mainly affects young children. The infection causes inflammation of the cavity between...
How to Get Rid of a Bruise
Every time a part of your body meets a hard object, the impact smashes tiny blood vessels under your skin....
Ear Pain Relief by Fighting Infection
This probably won't soothe your frayed nerves after you've been up all night with a screaming child, but we'll tell...
How to Get Rid of Heartburn
In many cases, this digestive problem can be prevented with some simple lifestyle changes. But when heartburn hits-as it does...
How to Get Rid of Cold Sores
Many people eventually become infected with the virus that causes the unsightly and painful lip blisters called cold sores. Using...
Using Exercise to Improve Your Mental Health
Many of the same health problems that lead to heart disease - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes - also...
Exercising as a Diabetic
Getting active trims fat from your body and helps you tip the scales in the right direction-two key ways to...