Why Ferris Provincial Park is the Best Place to Visit in Northumberland County

Ferris Provincial Park has it all: nature, activities and, most importantly, peacefulness.

Ferris Provincial ParkPhoto: Kaitlyn Ostrander

What Ferris Provincial Park means to me

Imagine standing on a warm summer day on a bridge suspended above the Trent-Severn Waterway. You look down and see the water rushing underneath you, feel the water splashing at your face, and hear the sounds of nature surrounding this gorgeous site.

The bridge is a connection between the small town of Campbellford and Ferris Provincial Park. I have been to this bridge many times throughout my young adult years, and this place will forever hold a special spot in my heart. I have always felt free here and it has given me a place to reconnect with nature.

Ferris Provincial Park is located within Campbellford in Northumberland County, Ontario. Although there are many places in Northumberland that I have fallen in love with over the years, Ferris Provincial Park is the most extraordinary. It offers a variety of activities including hiking, biking, kayaking and, of course, camping. I know my way around this park like the back of my hand and have found it to be a place that I enjoy exploring.

I grew up in Northumberland County and have had the opportunity to work in many places that allowed me to really get to know the area. My first student summer job was at Ferris Provincial Park. At first, I had no clue what it had to offer, but once I was able to explore the park, I discovered how amazing it was. Working outside for a summer was very refreshing. I was privileged to be a part of a team that maintained the park and provided visitors with an excellent experience. I felt reinvigorated after my first year of university, thanks to working at Ferris that summer.

I often return to Ferris just to see the bridge and walk the trails. Before I head to the park, I usually stop at Dooher’s Bakery in Campbellford for one of their freshly made doughnuts. I love Northumberland County and all it has to offer, but my favourite place to explore will always be the suspension bridge at Ferris Provincial Park.

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Originally Published in Our Canada