Wrapped in Red and White
“My 14-year-old daughter Madison is an aspiring photographer,” shares Jacqueline Biollo of Beaumont, Alberta. “She snapped this photo of me in a canola field just outside Beaumont. We’re both proud Canadians!”

Not Your Average Bus Stop
Jay Tarabocchia of Thunder Bay, Ontario, snapped this great photo of the all-terrain Ice Explorer at the Columbia Icefield Discovery Centre in Jasper, Alberta. The amazing Athabasca Glacier is pictured in the background—taking a tour of this awe-inspiring natural wonder is one of the essential things to do in Jasper.

The Red Serge
Sarah Simpson of Surrey, British Columbia, writes, “My partner is a member of the RCMP and was involved in a photo shoot on the Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver to commemorate the 150th birthday of Canada. I was fortunate enough, along with our two children, to have been part of this once-in-a-lifetime event. I was able to capture this candid moment of the more than 100 members taking their places on the bridge.”
Check out more beautiful bridges across Canada.

Proud Heritage
Mary Helmer of Skidegate, British Columbia, shares this awesome photo of her grandson, Isaiah, which was snapped at the nearby Haida Heritage Centre. “Isaiah is so proud of his Haida culture,” shares Mary, “and he loves to sing and dance!”
Here are the 10 places in Canada every Canadian needs to visit.

Up, Up and Away!
Lillian Kennedy of Maces Bay, New Brunswick, shares this great shot that she captured at the Atlantic Balloon Fiesta in Sussex. “The balloon festival is an annual event that draws lots of crowds from right across Canada,” says Lillian. Just imagine the views you’d have from that basket!
Discover 10 more essential experiences on the east coast of Canada.

A Good Day to Ride
Sydney Pedersen of Milestone, Saskatchewan, snapped this great shot and wrote, “This is one of my favourite photos. I took it during a late summer trail ride in Waterton Lakes National Park. That’s my mom, Tracy, in the red jacket.”
Explore 10 great day day trips from Calgary.

On Parade
Norma Keith of Baltimore, Ontario, writes, “While visiting Ottawa in July, I was lucky enough to see the Changing of the Guard on Parliament Hill. I felt very proud to see our men and women of the Armed Forces, dressed in their red tunics and black busbies, marching in precision. The fact that they serve and protect our land gave me such a feeling of security—it was an amazing day.”
It doesn’t have to be Remembrance Day to reflect on these powerful true stories from Canadian veterans.

Bright Lights, Big City
Christy Turner of Calgary captured this photo at the Calgary Stampede. The spectacular fireworks are a nightly scene on the Stampede grounds.
Here are 10 fascinating Calgary Stampede facts most people don’t know.

A Stampede Staple
Elsewhere at the Stampede, Christy Turner snapped this teepee at the Elbow River Camp at sunset. “This beautiful exhibit helps remind us of the history of Canada’s First Nations,” says Christy.
Here’s a full itinerary of unforgettable things to do in Calgary on your next vacation.

Cottage Country
For many Canadians, Canada Day is an opportunity to catch some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Ethan Joiner of Aurora, Ontario, writes, “I captured this photo while camping with my parents in Killbear Provincial Park in June 2016. This is typically the time of day when campers gather on the rocks to watch the sunset and share stories.”
Find out the best place to watch the sunset in every province.

For the Birds
Our fine feathered friends are also in on the Canada Day celebrations! Thanks to Sarah Ferguson of Saskatoon for sharing this sweet photo.
Don’t miss this gorgeous gallery of Canadian bird photography.

House of Red Gables
“While on vacation, I captured this interesting shot on Île d’Orléans near Quebec City,” explains Robert Freeman of Toronto. “After taking a bus and a taxi to get to the island, I rented a bike and rode around snapping photos of the amazing homes, including this one.”
Discover the most famous house in every province.

Hanging Out
“The West Coast is pretty laid back, as you can see from this photo of the owner of a scooter rental business in Tofino, B.C.,” says Mike Lane of Saanichton, B.C.
You’ll find more of Mike’s creative captures in this gallery of Canada’s most beautiful lighthouses.

A Stirring Tribute
Kathy Swanson of Red Deer, Alberta, writes,” I snapped this photo on Hwy 11 just outside of nearby Sylvan Lake. Each year, a group puts up Flags of Remembrance all along the fence posts. This was the sight in 2014; each flag represented 10,000 people lost in war. It was a very moving sight.”
Read up on Ontario’s Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign.

Running Free
Monique Pandarinath of Calgary captured this patriotic pic of her son, Jonah, as he ran with his Canadian flag along the beach at Muriel Lake, Alberta.
Next, check out the historical landmarks every Canadian needs to visit.