1. Use a Funnel to Make a String Dispenser
Don’t get yourself tied up in knots over tangled string. Nail a large funnel to the wall, with the stem pointing down. Place a ball of string in the funnel and thread the end through the funnel’s stem. Voila-you now have an instant knot-free string dispenser.

2. Use a Funnel to Separate Eggs
Want an egg-ceptional egg separator? Use a funnel. Crack the egg into the funnel, and watch the egg white slide out the spout into another container, while the yolks stays put. (Of course, you have to be careful not to break the yoke when you’re cracking.)

3. Turn a Funnel Into a Kids’ Telephone
Just because you choke every time you open your phone bill doesn’t mean the kids have to, too. Use two small plastic funnels to make a durable string telephone. For each funnel, tie a button to one end of a length of kite string and thread it through the large end of the funnel. Tie another button at the bottom of the spout to keep the string in place and let the kids start yakking.

4. Use a Funnel in a Science Experiment
If you’re looking for a fun science experiment to perform with your kids, light a candle and ask them blow it out through the small end of the funnel. They wont have much luck, and it’s a neat way to demonstrate how the speed of air slows when it is blown through a wide opening.

5. Use a Funnel to Make a Costume
Stuck for a quick costume? The Tin Man is something you can put together in a jiffy. All you need is a little tape, some tinfoil and a funnel, and you’ve got a Tin Man hat. You’ll be headed to Oz in no time!
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