eBay Newbie Relief
You've undoubtedly heard of eBay, but have you ever used the site?

What Your Font Says About You
There was a time when companies kept graphologists on staff to analyze candidates' handwriting. Today, many employers are looking at...

Create a Designer Christmas Tree
Christmas is a special time of year for decorating. Your tree is probably going to be the centre piece for...

Create Your Own Elegant Holiday Decor
Holiday decorating doesn’t have to break the bank. Free materials abound and can be easily transformed into elegant décor. Here...

Holiday Decor Your Kids Can Make
When the kids are home for the holidays you don't want to hear cries of 'I'm bored" or have them...

Seven Secrets to Contest Success
Many people participate in contests and giveaways, but few actually win. To help you become one of them, divine.ca asked...

Create a Carpool in 4 Easy Steps
Save time and money as well as doing your bit for the environment by setting up a carpool. It can...

10 Things Your Computer Person Won’t Tell You
Get the inside scoop as experts share their best computer tips—from how to protect your PC to how to fix...

10 Tips From the Computer Experts
Your computer manual doesn't tell you everything you need to know. Let our experts reveal how to fix or repair...

Bring New Life to Old Floors
No one likes to feel trampled on. But your floors get walked all over on a regular basis. Here are...

Carpet Quick Fixes
Ahh, the luxurious feel of carpet under your feet. Enjoy it pampering your feet for years by following these tips...

My Home Office Makeover
Here's how I went from pain to proper position, with a little help from an expert. Among other things, I...

Get More Bang for Your Gardening Buck
Is your weekly trip to the garden centre draining your wallet? Here are nine ways to cultivate a lush outdoor...

Shine New Life Into Your Jewellery
While resetting a loose diamond is beyond the skill level of the average ring owner, periodic cleanings are not. Here’s...

Disaster-Proof Bathroom & Kitchen DIY
Decided to do a little DIY? There are six common pitfalls you'll want to avoid when you're upgrading the plumbing,...

Veggie Gardening for Latecomers
If you haven’t yet planted a vegetable garden, don’t worry. Summer-planted gardens grow well because the soil is warm and...

Organic Pest Control
Don’t want to douse your garden in chemicals? Send plant-eating critters packing with these homemade solutions.

DIY Tricks for the Unhandy
Don't know the difference between a screwdriver and a ratchet? Don't sweat it. These simple DIY tricks can be handled...

Take Control of Your Computer
Trying to care for your computer can be intimidating if you're not tech-savvy. Fortunately, with these simple tips you can...

Fend Off Yard Invaders
Whether it’s ants making you antsy, mosquitoes hunting for your blood, or snails stealing your veggies, there’s a way to...

Gardening for Birds and Butterflies
As natural habitats are replaced by developed land, many species of birds and butterflies become increasingly reliant on the space...

Budget Bike Repairs
Don't let your bike become a money pit this summer! Instead, learn to save yourself from over-priced repair shops with...

What Are You Worth?
Whether you’re negotiating a starting salary or looking for a raise, you should know how much you're really worth. To...

Maintaining Your Mower
When the lawn mower starts running a bit rough, don't run to a repair shop and pay an exorbitant minimum...

Thinking Inside the Box
While your home isn’t likely to expand over the years the amount of stuff you accumulate is bound to grow...

Healthy Home Checkup
We may not be able to have a huge impact on the outdoor air we inhale, but we can control...

Complete Guide to Makeup Essentials
Don't spend money unnecessarily on expensive makeup. Often, a cheaper substitute will do just as good a job, or you...

Spring Cleaning Made Simple
Dreading the expenses and time commitment of the spring cleaning ritual? This season save your time, money, and energy with...

Student Job Search Survival Guide
School’s not even out, but the university students are back in town, and summer jobs are being filled faster than...