
Discover the latest health news, along with practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and moving more. From proven home remedies to advice on managing and preventing chronic health conditions, we’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

Expert advice that'll lay the groundwork for the deep, restful sleep of your dreams.

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The Flossing Mistakes Everyone Makes

Flossing is a key step for keeping your teeth and gums healthy, but if you're not following proper technique, you...

The Worst Foods for Your Heart

Loaded with trans fats, refined grains and sugar, these foods can contribute to heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

What Does Activated Charcoal Actually Do?

It’s showing up in toothpaste, shampoos, wellness products and even in our food. Companies tout the ingredient as a cure-all....

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Things You Should Never Say to a Single Friend

Despite our best intentions, the things we say to our single friends can be hurtful—and occasionally even devastating. Relationship and...

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12 Rude Conversation Habits You Need to Stop ASAP

Interrupting people is never a good look. Here are other conversation habits that are just as rude.

This Treatment Can Be as Effective as Meds in Battling Depression

It's also proven helpful in treating substance use disorders, anger issues and eating disorders.

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The Best Sleeping Positions For a Good Night’s Rest

Did you know that lying the same way every night could lead to aches and pains?

10 Medical Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep

If you can't fall asleep, stay asleep, or achieve a deep, restful sleep, there could be an underlying medical issue...

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How to Be More Thankful Every Day

Want to make gratitude an everyday habit? Experts suggest that by following these simple steps, you can cultivate gratitude and...

Teeth Grinding is On the Rise—Here’s What You Can Do About It

Experts say stress may be behind an uptick in teeth grinding, a behaviour known as bruxism. Find out the best...

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Silent Signs You’re Eating Too Much Protein

Protein is easily one of the most important nutrients to get into your daily diet, but it’s possible to get...

Morning Brain Exercises to Stay Sharp All Day Long

Give your grey matter a workout before breakfast.

His Doctor Told Him He Had a Benign Cyst—Then It Grew to the Size of a Baseball

Could Vietnam veteran Richard Danzer cheat death a second time?

Why is My Hair Falling Out?

There are many reasons you may notice your hair falling out—or sudden bald patches. Fortunately, most of them can be...

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50 Doctor Jokes That’ll Have You in Stitches

Warning: these hilarious anecdotes from real doctors could induce intense laughter.

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12 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep

Studies show that good sleeping habits can add years to your life and, over time, increase happiness. Drawing upon recent...

6 Tips for Losing Weight with Diabetes

Losing excess weight can improve your heart health and offer other benefits for your body, but if you have diabetes,...

This is the Fastest Rising Cancer in Canada

In the battle against cancer, Canada is making progress. Lung cancer is down, thanks to a dropping smoking rate, and...

3 Steps for Taking Control of Your Rheumatoid Arthritis

Remission is an important treatment goal. Here’s what to know.

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8 Ways to Embrace Your Next Milestone Birthday

Got the birthday blues? Instead of dreading your 40th, 50th, or even your 75th birthday, learn how to embrace the...

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9 Signs Your Liver Might Be in Trouble

If any (or all) of these signs sound familiar, it might be time to visit your doctor.

What It’s Like Living With Long COVID

More than two years into the pandemic, some patients’ symptoms aren’t going away. While experts hunt for treatments, some people...

Why Men Should Be Doing Kegels, Too

Want to improve your bladder control and sexual performance? Here’s why these pelvic exercises aren’t only good for pregnancy.

What It Could Mean if You Have Cloudy Urine

Does your pee look cloudy or murky? Chances are it's nothing to worry about, but cloudy urine could be a...

11 Easy Ways to Make Walking More Fun

Lost your lust for hitting the pavement? Put the spring back in your step by making your daily walk a...

Here’s Exactly How Much Coffee You Can Drink Daily Before It Gets Dangerous

You may want to stop after this many cups or you'll lose some of the health benefits coffee has to...

Learn How to Stop Procrastinating—at Any Age

Procrastination can take a toll on our self-confidence, health and happiness. Here's how to stop it in its tracks.

Here’s What It Means If You Have Ridges on Your Nails

They don't make for the prettiest of manicures, but are they something more than a cosmetic problem?