Save by Buying Frozen Produce
Here’s why: It’s cheaper than out-of-season fresh produce and is often higher in nutrients. It’s also usually better tasting because it’s frozen right after picking.

Splurge on Pasta
Here’s why: Generic and bargain-basement pastas often end up as a mushy mess. You don’t have to spend a whole lot more to get chefs’ picks, which are used in top restaurants.

Save by Buying Everyday Oil
Here’s why: When oil is going to be cooked, you can usually substitute vegetable or regular olive oil, even if the recipe calls for extra-virgin. High heat destroys much of the taste, so save the premium extra-virgin for recipes where it won’t be cooked.

Save by Skipping Bottled Water
Here’s why: That idyllic blue stream on the label likely has nothing to do with your drink: many bottled water brands come straight from purified municipal taps. Use a simple home filter instead.

Splurge on Honey
Here’s why: You don’t need to go for a wildflower artisanal blend, but check the label carefully. Often the cheap “honey” in a bear squeeze jar is mixed with corn syrup.

Save by Skipping Frozen Hamburgers
Here’s why: Preformed frozen burgers cost more than plain ground beef-and you can make patties yourself in less than ten seconds each! Plus, E. coli might be more prevalent in the frozen patties.

Splurge on Coffee
Here’s why: In blind taste tests, premium coffee scored significantly better than standard quality brands. If you’re drinking coffee daily, it’s worth spending more – you definitely taste the difference.

Save On Wine
Here’s why: Consumers and wine experts liked inexpensive bottles just as much as their pricey counterparts in a large-scale blind tasting.

Splurge on Chocolate
Here’s why: One-dollar bars combine 20-plus ingredients to create a bar-shaped amalgam of brown chemicals. For a little more, you could get real dark chocolate which will satisify your sweet tooth for less.

Save by Skipping Specialty Baking Mixes
Here’s why: Consumer Reports’ taste tests prove that Duncan Hines brownies are just as showstopping as ones made from pricier gourmet mixes.

Save on Cheese
Here’s why: If you’re melting or mixing the cheese with other ingredients, go cheap! Save the $20-per-pound artisanal triple-crèmes for a special cheese plate.

Save by Skipping Light Juices
Here’s why: To make reduced-calorie versions of these products, companies just add water (and maybe artificial sweetener or thickener). Buy the regular version and water it down yourself.