A:Â Stingy
B:Â Timeless
C:Â Dark and gloomy

Answer: C—Dark and gloomy
As in, “Ms. Mariner shuddered as she entered the stygian cave.”

A: Indoors
B: Gradual but harmful
C: Strongly felt yet unexpressed

Answer: B—Gradual but harmful
As in, “The insidious effects of eating too much sugar began to show themselves in Arjun’s weight gain and lack of energy.”

A: Unpredictable
B: Elegant and inexpensive
C: Fragile

Answer: A—Unpredictable
As in, “Gina’s whimsical personality meant she couldn’t necessarily be counted upon to remain at a job for long.”
Can you pass this quiz of 4th grade science questions?

A: Murderous
B: Cunning
C: Hungry

Answer: B—Cunning
As in, “Well aware of the suspected drug lord’s vulpine intelligence, the police kept a close eye on all of his activities.”
Know your way around a kitchen? Test your knowledge of cooking terms.

A: Foggy and wintry
B: Rough in texture
C: Obnoxiously loud

Answer: A—Foggy and wintry
As in, “Knowing night would bring even colder and darker conditions, Ezekiel set out immediately to cross the brumous valley.”
Can you match these royal terms with their proper definitions?

A: Silly
B: Cold
C: Thrifty

Answer: C—Thrifty
As in, “Having seen that Carita was organized and frugal, Hélène gave her budgeting responsibilities for the entire conference.”
These printable crossword puzzles will give your brain a good workout.

A: Habitual and unlikely to change
B: Soft and malleable
C: Untested

Answer: A—Habitual and unlikely to change
As in, “An inveterate worrier, Roone had learned how to get by on very little rest.”
How many of these baby terms can you define?

A: Self-evident
B: Shabby and barely adequate
C: Scantily clothed

Answer: B—Shabby and barely adequate
As in, “Despite their threadbare uniforms, the tiny school’s track team dominated the meet.”
You’ll never look at these palindrome words the same way again!

A: Beneficial
B: Welcoming
C: Verbal

Answer: A—BeneÂficial
As in, “The difficult but salutary two-week training session turned Adam into a first-rate salesman.”
Think you’ve got an extensive vocabulary? Put it to the test with this quiz of ocean terms.

A:Â Rounded
B:Â Stubbornly disobedient
C: Poisonous but not lethal

Answer: B—Stubbornly disobedient
As in, “Portia’s contumacious behaviour left her daycare workers little choice but to call her parents.”
Test your health IQ with this medical trivia quiz.

A: Lacking poise
B: Ineffectual and irresponsible
C: Without skin blemishes

Answer: B—Ineffectual and irresponsible
As in, “Boonsri complained about her feckless brother who never seemed to get anything done.”
Here’s expert advice on how to stop procrastinating at any age.

A:Â Rundown
B:Â Chatty
C:Â Tending to cause delay

Answer: C—Tending to cause delay
As in, “It appeared to Henry that the airport’s customs had been set up in the most dilatory way possible.”
Take to the skies with this aviation terms quiz.

A: Attentive to detail
B: Dietary
C: Recklessly rapid

Answer: A—Attentive to detail
As in, “Raoul’s fastidious reporting won high praise from his demanding editor.”
Do you know what these acronyms stand for?

A:Â Relating to the sea
B:Â Exhibiting hostility
C:Â In a state of disrepair

Answer: B—Exhibiting hostility
As in, “The school principal’s belligerent behaviour toward parents led to her removal.”
Put your emergency response skills to the test with our quiz of first aid terms.

A: serious and sincere
B: wealthy
C: overly generous

Answer: A—Serious and sincere
As in, “Wei took an earnest approach to each and every issue raised by workers.”
Next, take our great Canadian trivia quiz.