Baby term #1: Echolalia
A: Jerky hand movements in infants
B: Repetition of speech by a child learning to talk
C: Infant’s joyful response to music

Answer: B—Repetition of speech by a child learning to talk
As in, “Liz noticed baby Pia’s echolalia when she started repeating everything her big brother said.”
Find out the most popular baby name the year you were born.

Baby term #2: Bantling
A: Young child
B: One-piece sleeping garment
C: Baby bed with side rails

Answer: A—Young child
As in, “The family reunion had a youthful spirit, with many bantlings running about.”
Can you pass this quiz of fourth grade spelling words?

Baby term #3: Lanugo
A: Baby safety gate
B: Bond between mother and infant
C: Downy hair on a fetus or newborn

Answer: C—Downy hair on a fetus or newborn
As in, “Dark, soft lanugo covered the baby.”
Test your knowledge of royal terms.

Baby term #4: Colic
A: Infant’s fear of abandonment
B: Intense and frequent crying in an infant
C: Cereal for babies

Answer: B—Intense and frequent crying in an infant
As in, “Suffering from colic, the baby rarely slept for more than an hour.”
Discover 20+ genius ways to use baby shampoo all around the house.

Baby term #5: Apgar score
Measure of:
A: Infant intellect
B: Physical condition of a newborn
C: Health of mother after birth

Answer: B—Measure of the physical condition of a newborn
As in, “Bev was relieved to receive her daughter’s perfect Apgar score of 10.”
Here’s what it was like to have a baby in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Baby term #6: Sip and see
A: Party where parents show friends their newborn
B: Pregnancy test that is ingested
C: Parental toast at birth

Answer: A—Party where parents show friends their newborn
As in, “Mary hosted a sip and see to introduce the baby to her old schoolmates.”
See how many of these Canadian slang terms you can define.

Baby term #7: Fontanelle
A: Dimple in cheek
B: Sippy cup
C: Space between bones in an infant’s skull

Answer: C—Space between bones in an infant’s skull
As in, “Bharath felt a fontanelle near the crown of his daughter’s head.”
Discover the English words that have different meanings in other languages.

Baby term #8: Babymoon
A: Vacation taken by a couple before the birth of a child
B: Eve of a newborn’s birth
C: Newborn’s buttocks

Answer: A—Vacation taken by a couple before the birth of a child
As in, “They spent their babymoon walking the beach and contemplating parenthood.”
Check out these hilarious tweets every parent can relate to.

Baby term #9: Helicopter parent
Parent who is:
A: Distant
B: Dangerous
C: Overprotective

Answer: C—Overprotective
As in, “Grammy Jane watched the helicopter parents chase their kids around the room.”
These slang words from the 1920s are worth bringing back!

Baby term #10: Object permanence
A: Understanding that objects exist when out of sight
B: Toddler’s refusal to share
C: Infant ability to keep muscles still

Answer: A—Understanding that objects exist when out of sight
As in, “Having developed object permanence, baby Zara knew her toy was behind Daddy’s back.”
Ready to put your culinary skills to the test? See if you can match these cooking terms with their proper definitions.

Baby term #11: Vernix
A: Fetal position
B: Section of umbilical cord attached to baby after birth
C: Waxy substance covering a newborn’s skin

Answer: C—Waxy substance covering a newborn’s skin
As in, “Akari gently wiped the vernix off her baby.”
Find out the hardest English words to pronounce.

Baby term #12: Postpartum
A: Following childbirth
B: Relating to social media images of newborn
C: Describing the birth of twins

Answer: A—Following childbirth
As in, “Helena was impressed with the birthing centre’s postpartum care.”
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Baby term #13: Motherese
A: Mother’s euphoria after delivery
B: Simplified speech used for babies
C: Maternal instinct

Answer: B—Simplified speech used for babies
As in, “Nana soothed the infant with motherese.”
Can you pass this brainteasing colour quiz?

Baby term #14: Au pair
A: Person who helps with child care in exchange for room and board
B: Stroller that holds two babies
C: Swaddling blanket

Answer: A—Person who helps with child care in exchange for room and board
As in, “Fiona loved exploring Paris while working as an au pair.”
Try your hand at these medical trivia questions only geniuses will get right.

Baby term #15: Neonatal
Of or relating to:
A: Newborn children
B: Parenting
C: One’s birthplace

Answer: A—Of or relating to newborn children
As in, “Born premature, Khalib spent six weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit.”
How well did you fare on our baby terms quiz? Next up, test your vocabulary with our aviation terms quiz.