Word Power Quiz
What does billingsgate mean?
a) Profane, abusive talk
b) Administrative language
c) Controversial commentary

Answer: a) Profane, abusive talk
As in, “A stream of billingsgate was audible from the hall during the fight.”
Next, test your knowledge of farm words.

What does folio mean?
a) Cover page
b) Sheet of paper folded once to form two leaves
c) Dust jacket

Answer: b) Sheet of paper folded once to form two leaves
As in, “The 16th-century songbook contained 228 folios and 985 lyrics.”
Here are 15 history questions everyone gets wrong.

What does bowdlerize mean?
a) Embellish the truth
b) Remove text thought to be improper
c) Mischaracterize

Answer: b) Remove text thought to be improper
As in, “Jaime bowdlerized his essay before submitting it for grading.”
Can you pass this quiz of fourth-grade spelling words?

What does idiomatic mean?
a) Dull
b) Devoid of emotion
c) Expressing things in a way that sounds natural

Answer: c) Expressing things in a way that sounds natural
As in, “Jesper’s English was fluent and idiomatic, leading many to think it was his first language.”
How well do you know these ocean words?

What does dactyl mean?
a) Metrical foot consisting of one stressed and two unstressed syllables
b) Curved punctuation mark indicating something incorrect
c) Spelling test

Answer: a) Metrical foot consisting of one stressed and two unstressed syllables
As in, “Professor Chigwidden used the word ‘tenderly’ to demonstrate a dactyl.”
Find out why there’s an “r” in Mrs.

What does brogue mean?
a) Slang
b) Bluster
c) Irish or Scottish accent when speaking English

Answer: c) Irish or Scottish accent when speaking English
As in, “Roslyn spoke with a charming brogue.”
Discover 10 hidden gems in Ireland.

What does sententious mean?
a) Preachy
b) Traitorous
c) Blasphemous

Answer: a) Preachy
As in, “The principal’s sententious speech about child-rearing led many parents to leave the auditorium.”
Test your knowledge of baby terms.

What does rostrum mean?
a) Rude remark
b) Platform for a speech
c) Encyclopedia

Answer: b) Platform for a speech
As in, “From the rostrum, Audrey could see Samir in the crowd.”
Try your hand at these medical trivia questions.

What does prolix mean?
a) Interested in languages
b) Expressed using too many words
c) Poetic

Answer: b) Expressed using too many words
As in, “Mr. Brenley’s lecture was prolix and put some of the kids to sleep.”
Discover more surefire tips for a good night’s sleep.

What does polemic mean?
a) Clever rejoinder
b) Verbal or written attack
c) High praise

Answer: b) Verbal or written attack
As in, “David published a polemic against the mayor ahead of election day.”

What does palaver mean?
a) Idle talk
b) Mumbled speech
c) Flattering words

Answer: a) Idle talk
As in, “Rather than a coherent speech, the minister filled the hour with palaver about his vacation.”
Don’t miss this expert advice on how to turn small talk into meaningful conversation.

What does epistolary mean?
a) Relating to the writing of letters
b) Relating to scholarly writing
c) Relating to religious writing

Answer: a) Relating to the writing of letters
As in, “The couple had an epistolary exchange over many years before meeting in person.”
Do you lament the lost art of letter-writing? You’ll relate to these etiquette rules we should never have abandoned.

What does turgid mean?
a) Incisive
b) Incoherent
c) Tediously pompous

Answer: c) Tediously pompous
As in, “The young student had trouble understanding the turgid academic essay.”
Here, parents reveal the funniest things their kids have said.

What does epigrammatic mean?
a) Concise and amusing
b) Educational
c) Incomprehensible

Answer: a) Concise and amusing
As in, “Asako’s writing was rich in epigrammatic turns of phrase.”
Can you define these evocative adjectives?

What does cant mean?
a) Self-deprecating talk
b) Dismissive talk
c) Insincere and sanctimonious talk

Answer: c) Insincere and sanctimonious talk
As in, “Tracy dreaded Mauro’s unending cant.”
Next, test your knowledge of Canadian trivia.