What Makes a Car Backfire?
Backfiring is an auditory clue that some part in your vehicle isn't functioning properly and could be nearing the end...

My First Car: Remembering the 1956 Morris Oxford
Like many first cars, this 1956 Morris Oxford had its fair share of quirks—and then some!

I Switched From Gas to a Hybrid Car—Here’s What It’s Like
Although my new plug-in car is pretty nifty, I sometimes miss my old gas-guzzling clunker.

10 Tips For Cleaning Your Car’s Interior
If you drive a lot for work or have kids and pets, you know how hard it can be to...

5 Car Security Tips to Protect Your Ride
Protect your car from theft and vandalism with these car security tips.

What My 1930 Cadillac Club Sedan Means to Me
More than just an ambitious restoration, this 1930 Cadillac V8 club sedan carries precious memories for a young classic car...

Why You Should Always Touch Your Car Before Pumping Gas
This simple action will keep you safe when pumping gas.

Are Remote Car Starters Bad for Your Vehicle?
Are remote starters a harmless convenience, or are they an unnecessary gimmick doing real damage to your vehicle?

Police Pulled Over This Car For Driving Too Slowly—and Found No One Inside!
From joyriding picnic tables to ghost passengers, these funny driving stories go off the beaten track.

Remembering the Classics: My First Car
You're always nostalgic about your first car—even if it was a 1938 sedan with a dead battery.

The Most Dangerous Roads in the World
Think twice before adding these treacherous routes to your road trip itinerary!

12 Ways to Get Better Gas Mileage—and Pay Less at the Pumps
These savvy gas-saving strategies can improve your fuel economy and slash your car's operating costs.

How Often Should You Change Your Brake Pads?
How often should you change your brake pads? The answer depends on the unique combination of your vehicle and typical...

How to Repair and Maintain Weather Stripping on Car Doors
Use these simple tips to repair torn weather stripping on car doors quickly and easily. Plus, learn about a simple...

Why Do My Brakes Keep Grinding?
If you hear your brakes grinding, something is wrong. Here are four likely causes for the noise and what you...

How to Store a Classic Car For Winter
When you store your classic car in the garage for the winter, a few simple steps and some proactive care...

Car Gazing: Restoring Our 1967 Camaro Convertible
There’s much joy to be had in reflecting on a car that’s been such a big part of your life....

20+ Things You Must Do to Get Your Car Ready for Winter
This handy checklist will help you avoid no-starts, frozen doors and other seasonal maintenance issues that could leave you stranded.

13 Car Dealer Tricks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
Get a leg up on fast-talking wheeler-dealers, so you can leave the new car lot with the ride of your...

How to Escape From a Car That’s Sinking Underwater
You've just driven your car into a river or over the side of a bridge into a lake. What can...

What Canada’s Electric Car Targets Will Mean For Canadians—and the Environment
By 2025, Canada's government wants one out of every 10 new car sales to be an electric vehicle (EV). We...

How to Fix Rust On Your Car
If you ignore rust spots on your car, they'll spread and turn your sheet metal into Swiss cheese in no...

This is When to Change to Winter Tires, According to Auto Experts
Although most Canadians do indeed change to winter tires, a new study suggests we're doing it at the wrong time...

10 Driving Tips to Stay Safe in Wet Weather
No need to fear heavy rain and fog with these safe driving tips under your belt.

Why Are My Brakes Squeaking?
Brake squeal is not uncommon; often caused by worn brake hardware, pads or rotor finish. But are squeaky brakes dangerous...

Remembering the Classics: The Citroen DS19
With its futuristic design and nifty high-tech features, the 1955 Citroen DS19 was ahead of its time.

Maintenance Tips That’ll Extend the Life of Your Tires
A three-step maintenance plan to keep your tires in top condition.

Why You Shouldn’t Attach Any Other Keys to Your Ignition Key
It's hard to believe something as small as keys could have such a big impact on your vehicle.

How One City Is Using Optical Illusions to Prevent Traffic Accidents
Thanks to some skilfully painted fake speed bumps, speeding has decreased in this European metropolis.