Why I Keep a Picture of My Dad on the Dash of My ’41 Hudson
This vintage car evokes many memories and emotions.

Stranded in a Snowstorm? These Smart Tips Could Save Your Life
When a winter storm hits and you’re on the road, it's easy for panic to set in. These emergency tips...

The Craziest Cars Ever Built
From a car that's faster than the speed of sound to Pixar's full-size Lightning McQueen, these rides are truly one-of-a-kind.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Cheap Auto Parts
Take our auto expert's advice and avoid cheap economy auto parts. They typically wear out much faster than professional grade...

Why You Need to Keep a Nail File in Your Car This Winter
It has *nothing* to do with your manicure.

How Often Should You Wash Your Car in Winter?
Between the snow, slush, sand and salt, keeping your car clean is a constant battle. If you want to stay...

An Inseparable Pair
The heartwarming story of how a mutual love of classic cars helped forge a special bond between friends.

Smart DIY Storage Ideas to Make Your Garage Work Harder
Is your garage getting so cluttered there's barely enough room to park your car? These DIY garage storage ideas will...

Licence Plate Theft is On the Rise—Here’s What You Can Do About It
In a matter of minutes, you can protect your licence plate from sticky-fingered gas thieves.

This Genius Hack Will Defrost Your Windshield in 60 Seconds—Or Less!
All it takes is a spray bottle filled with two common household ingredients.

This Car Show in Victoria, B.C. is One of Canada’s Best
For three days every three years, car enthusiasts from across the country set up shop at Victoria's Inner Harbour to...

This Trick Will Get You a Better Price on Your Trade-In
Got your eye on a shiny new model? This secret trade-in strategy pays dividends.

The Ultimate Winter Road Trip Guide
Hitting the road for a quick winter getaway? Don't pull out of the driveway before reviewing our checklist of winter...

Sadly, This is the Only Photo I Have of My 1985 Honda Prelude
It turns out you're always nostalgic about your first car—even if you didn't appreciate it at the time...

8 Times You Need to Use Your Emergency Brake—and 3 Times You Don’t
It was one of the first things you learned in driver’s ed, so of course you know when to use...

Winter Driving Mistakes That Put You in Danger
If you're driving on a quarter tank of gas or sitting low in your vehicle, you're asking for trouble. Top...

What It Could Mean If Your Car Makes a Clicking Noise When Starting
The diagnosis depends on whether it's clicking once, or a series of rapid clicks. Either way, there's some maintenance in...

What Mechanics Mean When They Say It’s Time to “Winterize” Your Car
Hint: It has to do with your next oil change.

Relics From Roads Less Travelled
More often than not, the most fascinating subjects for photography are the ones we encounter off-the-beaten-path.

The Best Way to Remove Snow from Your Car
We know—it’s cold out there! Here's expert advice on how to tackle one of the season's most dreaded tasks quickly...

Getting a Vintage Alberta Forestry Truck On the Road Again
For this firefighting family man with a love of cars, restoring the ’68 Fargo forestry truck was a labour of...

This is What Happens to All of the Cars That Never Get Sold
Wouldn’t it be nice if dealerships just gave away the unsold cars for free?

What Is Ideal Tire Pressure in Cold Weather?
Lower temperatures mean lower tire pressure, so be prepared to inflate your tires more often during the cold weather months.

7 Reasons Your Car Insurance Claim Could Be Denied
It turns out insurance companies may be fully within their rights to deny your car insurance claim in certain scenarios....

My ’56 VW Bug Didn’t Have a Gas Gauge—But It Had Character
Sweet memories of a quirky car, and our travels through Quebec.

14 Signs Your Car Is About to Die
Maybe you love your old car—or the fact that it's paid off. Either way, there comes a point when it’s...

5 Easy Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
Looking for ways to lower your car insurance premium? Here are five tips on how to save big without sacrificing...

Here’s How Often You Should Really Change Your Oil
No, changing your oil is not the same thing as adding oil.

Driving the Highwood Pass—The Highest Paved Road in Canada
The Highwood Pass rewards the adventurous with one of the most varied and picturesque drives in Canada.