1st place ($500): Peak Moment
Jackie Gartner, Lloydminster, Alta.
“We were atop Sulphur Mountain in Banff, Alta., and I was hoping to capture a sunset shot but the daylight hours were still too long, and the final lift down on the gondola for the day was waiting for us. The sky was still so beautiful and I had a brief moment with no one around, so I snapped this photo.”

2nd place ($300): It’s A Lock!
Linda McIlwain, Selwyn, Ont.
“Celebrating National Canoe Day, the Peterborough Liftlocks hosted an event to see how many canoes and kayaks could fit into the liftlock chamber at one time. The event was a huge success with paddlers coming from all over. So many paddlers coming together to manoeuvre their crafts to fit as many as possible into the space was a sight to see—an exemplary example of teamwork among strangers. The event is now a yearly tradition.”
Discover what it’s like kayaking with humpback whales in the Johnstone Strait.

3rd place ($200): Cold Comfort
Kimberley Chipman, Baker Lake, Nunavut
“Wintertime in Nunavut is really beautiful but long and frigid when we have to go out to the store or work. This photo is of me and my baby wearing our traditional winter parka, called an amauti, to keep us warm as we walk to the store in temperatures of -50°C or colder.”
Learn more about the coldest day in Canadian history.

Runner-up: Cuddle Buddies
Brittany Brown, Salvage, N.L.
“I just love this picture of my youngest son, Alec, and one of our pet chickens,” shares Brittany Brown of Salvage, N.L. “We love raising animals in our backyard. Collecting eggs and sneaking a chicken cuddle are some of Alec’s favourite things to do.”
Don’t miss this collection of the best “in the backyard” photography.

Runner-up: Simpler Times
Colleen Kaiser-Gill, Caroline, Alta.
“This photo, snapped at the beautiful Bowden SunMaze in Bowden, Alta., reminds me of being a child and reciting the ‘Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home’ nursery rhyme, says Colleen Kaiser-Gill of Caroline, Alta. “A flashback to simpler, carefree times, this beautiful ladybird tucked into a sunflower is hiding from the craziness of the COVID world. It gives me hope that brighter days are ahead.”
Don’t miss more gorgeous garden photography from across Canada.

Runner-up: Sitting Pretty
Gabor Dosa, Surrey, B.C.
“I snapped this pic of a massive stellar sea lion basking on a buoy in the Strait of Georgia, just off-shore from Tsawwassen, B.C.,” writes Gabor Dosa of Surrey, B.C. “Not visibly frightened, it appeared to be comfortable with the presence of humans, as if purposely posing for the camera.”
Next, check out the winners from the 2019-2020 Share Your Canada photo contest.