
Your Alarm Clock Could Give You a Heart Attack!

To avoid high blood pressure in the morning, here's how science suggests you can make a tweak for a healthier rise-and-shine.

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15 Everyday Habits of People With an Impressive Memory

Having trouble remembering the name of the person you just met, or even where you left your phone charger? These...

Stress Poop is Real—Here’s Why it Happens

Anxiety got you headed to the bathroom in a hurry? Find out if it’s just frazzled nerves—or something else.

Mental Health Apps You’ll Want to Install Right Away

Under pressure? Check out the best mental health apps for mindfulness, meditation, relaxation and sleep.

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If You Aren’t Drinking Green Tea Every Day, This Might Convince You to Start

Put the kettle on—we're raising a cup to the health benefits of green tea.

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Feel-Good Five-Minute Meditations

Pressed for time? You can always squeeze a moment's peace into your schedule with the help of these on-the-go meditations.

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Silent Signs of Stress You Might Be Ignoring

Suffering from headaches? Sudden weight gain? These strange, seemingly unconnected symptoms could actually be responses to stress.

Healthy Habits to Cope With Stress

It's hardly surprising that anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues across Canada. Although stress is unavoidable,...

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How to Cope When the World Seems Like a Horrible Place

Between pandemics, natural disasters and acts of terrorism, the world can sometimes seem like a cruel and frightening place. The...

Feeling Stressed? It Turns Out Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine

Beyond providing an instant mood lift, laughing loudly—and often—may even reduce your risk for a heart attack.

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What It’s Like Living With Generalized Anxiety Disorder

As anxiety disorders go, this is one of the most common—especially in older adults.

Can Stress Really Give You an Ulcer?

Most people believe it can, but the answer is more complicated. Here's what you need to know about this condition...

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Silent Signs You Could Be Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress

Could you be suffering from PTSD without even realizing it? If these symptoms sound familiar, it might be time to...

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This is What Happens to Your Body When You Skip Breakfast

There's a reason it's called the most important meal of the day.

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You’re Never Too Old to Break These Bad Habits

Whether you want to curb your spending or stop smoking, we've got the tools you need to kick some of...

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How to Keep the Peace at Family Dinner This Holiday

Don’t see eye to eye with family members on a hot-button issue? Relationship and wellness expert Deepak Kashyap shares tips...

7 Silent Signs of High-Functioning Anxiety

Your anxiety may be affecting your overall health and well-being more than you realize. Here are the warning signs to...

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How to Embrace Your Fears And Become a More Courageous Person

Follow this three-step plan to find the bravery you need to move forward.

Morning Brain Exercises to Stay Sharp All Day Long

Give your grey matter a workout before breakfast.

Heartburn Is on the Rise in Canada—Here’s How You Can Avoid It

More stress brings more heartburn, but there are easy ways to beat it.

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12 Silent Signs of Adult ADHD You Might Be Ignoring

It's estimated that more than a million Canadian adults have ADHD, but few get diagnosed or treated for the condition....

Why You Should Always Read Before Bed

Before you decide to scroll through your phone or binge-watch a show in bed tonight, read this.

Anxiety Is On the Rise During COVID-19. Here’s What You Can Do to Help Ease It

Compounding crises have made everyone anxious, but how do you know if you’ve slipped into a more serious disorder—and what...

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3 Healthy Ways to Let Off Steam

From traffic jams to online comments sections, life's minor irritations can conspire to create major stress. Next time you feel...

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Meals That Heal: The Best Foods to Eat When You Feel Sick

Hippocrates had it right when he said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” When your body...

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30+ Stress Management Tips from the Experts

Being overly anxious is not just a mental hazard—it's a physical one too. For your emotional and bodily benefit, we've...

10 Tips for Managing Your Stress

Has work or your home life got you frazzled? Reduce your load and relax with these simple stress-reduction strategies.

How to Boost Your Resiliency During Tough Times

People of any age can make use of the self-care movement's lessons during this pandemic. Here are some starting points.

Waking Up With Anxiety at Night? Here’s What Experts Recommend

Here's a look at the causes, treatments, symptoms and ways to prevent anxiety at night.

The Best Way to De-Stress, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Should you go blow off some steam or cuddle up with a good book? Here's what calms each zodiac sign.

Autumn Anxiety is Real: Why the Fall Season Makes You More Stressed

The change in seasons, specifically from summer to fall, can evoke worry, fear and other negative emotions.