
This Is Why You Can’t Smell Yourself

You don't think about your nose getting tired, but when it's exposed to the same smell for a while, that's...

The Coolest Scientific Discoveries of 2018

From new planets to DNA breakthroughs to whale earwax, 2018 has been filled with fascinating scientific stories.

Fewer Than 50 People in the World Have This Incredibly Rare Blood Type

This blood type is so rare that scientists call it “golden”—but the pretty name masks the fact that this type...

4 Heartwarming Stories to Restore Your Faith in Humanity

With so many terrible news developments around the world, these inspirational stories are guaranteed to bring a smile to your...

If Your Dog Is This Colour, It Could Live Longer—Here’s Why

Some dogs live longer than others, and the genetic reason will surprise you.

This Is the Real Reason You Hate Scary Movies

Yes, it's perfectly normal to NOT enjoy being scared.

13 Simple Ways to Tell if Your Dog Is Smart

Your dog's annoying traits might be signs of intelligence.

15 Cool Jobs You Could Have in the Future

Drones and robots may be replacing humans in the workplace, but here are some great gigs you can look forward...

This Is What Dog and Cat Years Really Mean

Is the common belief that one dog year equals seven human years actually true?

14 Crazy Facts About Earth You Never Learned in School

The planet is almost 40,000 kilometres around and 4.54 billion years old, and humans are still discovering some of the...

10 Scientific Mysteries We Take for Granted

Most of us know that the Big Bang hasn't been totally figured out and black holes are pretty confusing, but...

12 Dinosaur “Facts” Scientists Wish You’d Stop Believing

When you think of dinosaurs, do you still imagine giant gray scaly beasts that went extinct? Get ready to have...

16 Signs of Evolution You Can Still Find on Your Body

We've come a long way from hunting and gathering, but certain physical traits and natural reactions remind us of our...

13 Moon Mysteries That Scientists Are Trying to Figure Out

Even though it's right there above us, scientists still have a lot of questions about Earth's own moon.

14 of the Most Elaborate Spider Webs Ever Found in Nature

The next time you're sweeping cobwebs out of the corners, take a moment to appreciate the elaborate designs of these...

10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries About Planet Earth

From the water that covers most of it to the moon that orbits it, here are some bizarre things about...

14 of the Most Baffling Mysteries About the Universe

We've learned so much over the centuries, but science still can't definitively answer these surprisingly fundamental questions.

15 Everyday Items You Had No Idea Were Made By NASA

The camera in your phone, the insulation in your walls, and that oh-so-comfortable mattress you sink into nightly: You can...

Need Pain Relief? Grab a Beer Instead of an Aspirin

You may already drain a pint to heal a broken heart, but new research suggests that beer can actually ease...

Reader’s Digest Health Report: March 2018

We've rounded up the three most fascinating medical discoveries from around the world in this month's health report.

13 Fascinating Facts Behind the Mystery of Pi

Find out why this ancient mathematical constant gets an annual celebration—one that's growing every year!

Reader’s Digest Health Report: February 2018

We've rounded up the four best medical discoveries from around the world for February.

10 Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Ambidextrous People

A tiny fraction of the population can use both hands with equal skill. Here's the biology behind this cool ability,...

Science Has Just Discovered the Secret to Learning a New Language

When it comes learning a new language, practice really does make perfect.

6 Crazy and Colourful Facts About Rainbows

Spoiler alert: There's no pot of gold at the end of this article. Your consolation prize? This information about one...

The Scientific Reasons Behind These 8 Super Annoying Habits

Why does your co-worker constantly clear his throat? What’s behind your best friend’s Facebook oversharing? The answers go a lot...

There’s an Eighth Continent Called Zealandia You Never Knew About

The world's "lost continent" is 94 per cent underwater. Here's how to see it.

7 Immortal Animals That Can Basically Live Forever

These lucky creatures have found the fountain of youth.