The best of youth
Photographer Janice Storch of High River, Alta., writes: “A day on the lake is always full of smiles, laughter, squeals of delight and panic as tubers get bounced around and enjoy the carnival-like rides behind the boat.” A perfect encapsulation of summer recreation.
Here are the top 10 things to do in Alberta.

Peace and quiet
One look at this stunning photo of Lac aux Os in Dumaine-du-Roy, Que. is enough to convince even the most metropolitan person to considering moving out into the country.
Check out Canada’s most awe-inspiring natural wonders.

Engineering marvel
“The cousins building a channel at Skaha Lake in Penticton, surrounded by smoky haze from the wildfires,” writes Gertrude Welder of Kelowna, B.C.
We’re counting down 10 of the best things to do in British Columbia!

Clearwater county
“We went camping at Medicine Lake in Alberta; it’s one of my favourite places to go in the summer,” writes Diana Gorski of Edmonton, Alta. “My husband Chris and our son Frankie went out on the boat to do some fishing.”
These five fall camping destinations in Canada will make you wonder why you ever pitched a tent in the summer.

Cottage life
Marie-Josée Sabourin of Jonquière Saguenay, Que. took this photo of her sister and two daughters. Pure nostalgia.
These striking photographs pay tribute to an amazing cottage season.

Mini adventures
Photographer Sharon Peters of Three Hills, Alta. captured this beautiful shot of cousins enjoying a lazy afternoon on the pond. The photo manages to look planned and spontaneous all at once.
Plus: 10 Family-Friendly Vacation Destinations Your Teenagers Will Love

The great outdoors
Anne Doerksen of Carrot River, Sask. captured this majestic photo of two riders on horseback.
Tired of apple picking? Here are six other fall activities to try this year.

Summer fun
“Here are my kids cooling off from the heat while enjoying their favourite summer activity,” writes Amanda Cole of Harbour Grace, N.L. Thanks for sharing, Amanda!

Morning drive
Photographer Kathy Harness’ idea of summer recreation is a ride on the trails of Carman, Man.
AÂ charming museum in Snow Lake, Manitoba, brings the small community’s history to life.

A whole new ride
“While visiting friends in Calgary all the way from Toronto, our bladder got us lost on our road trip to Waterton, Alta., and serendipity struck,” writes Nivetha Yogarajeev of Markham, Ont. “I forced myself to face my fear, get on and take charge of the magnificent horse before me.”
Plus: 13 Gorgeous Dream Vacation Shots to Inspire Your Wanderlust

When it comes to natural beauty, it’s hard to be Banff National Park—or any of Canada’s national parks, for that matter. Great eye, Fred!

River warriors
Every summer, teams compete at the Mississauga Dragon Boat Festival on Credit River.

Summer recreation doesn’t always involve swimming or boating, as photographer Norma Keith proves in this shot of a tractor-pull event in her native Baltimore, Ont.
Here’s a peek inside Fergus Dog Park, Ontario’s four-acre playground.

Gone fishing
Against the sparkling waters and beautiful mountains of Cox Cove, N.L., this memorable red boat is a tribute to a true Canadian pastime. Thanks for photographer Sheri Emerson for sharing!
Plus: The Story Behind the Distinct Language of Newfoundland

A day at the beach
Mike Lane of Saanichton, B.C., found inspiration while at a beach on Vancouver Island.
We’ve rounded up the 10 best beaches in Canada that you have to visit.