Online Security

Bolster your defenses against hacking, fraud, identity theft and other forms of cyber-crime with these online security tips.

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Everything You Need to Know About Smartphone Security

These days, your smartphone is more than just a way to call or text people—it's an also an external backup brain that usually holds all of your important data. Here’s how to protect it.

3 Signs Your Streaming Accounts Have Been Hacked

Binge-watch safely! Be on the lookout for these red flags, and learn how to protect your streaming accounts—and your bank...

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How to Delete 99 Percent of Your Digital Footprint

These are the steps you can take to erase your activity from the Internet's long memory.

This Hacking Horror Story Is a Warning to Take Online Security More Seriously

Think you could never be targeted by hackers? This frightening story will change your mind—and serve as a valuable lesson...

How Bad Is It to Use Public WiFi?

Public WiFi is extremely convenient, and, of course, free. But are the risks of logging on worth it?