healthy eating

The 10 Worst Foods for Aging, According to a Health Expert

In his book, The Antioxidant Prescription, alternative health expert Dr. Bryce Wylde addresses what science has discovered to be the true underlying cause of disease: free radicals. Avoid the damage by keeping these 10 foods and ingredients out of your diet.

Think Twice Before Eating These 10 Breakfast Foods

A healthy breakfast can set the tone for nutritious choices all day long. Consider these not-so-healthy breakfast foods sabotage.

Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil and You Might Just “Forget to Die”

Find out about the incredible health benefits of this grocery store staple, and how to make sure you get the...

8 Energy-Boosting Foods That Will Definitely Wake You Up

Next time you're dragging, put down the coffee and pick up one of these foods as an alternative way to...