Family Life

16 Craziest Family Secrets People Learned After Someone Died

You may think you know someone, but these families found out otherwise after their loved ones died.

These Two Sisters Went Nearly 70 Years Never Knowing Each Other Existed

A family secret kept these sisters apart for decades.

The Stages of Alzheimer’s: How the Disease Really Unfolds

This is what caregivers can expect from loved ones at each stage.

27 Things Only Sisters Understand

Who has the uncanny ability to both irritate and totally “get” you, often at the same time? Your sister, of...

10 Silent Signs Your Dog Is Depressed

While dogs can’t tell you exactly what they’re feeling, they can still show behaviours similar to human depression. If your...

Why You Should Never, Ever Call Your Kid ‘Smart’

It's natural for parents to want to praise their child, but offering this compliment could actually backfire, according to science.

5 Best Canadian Long Weekend Getaways

Planning a long weekend getaway—without leaving the country? These Canadian summer destinations are surefire hits.

Why Sears Closing Makes Me Miss My Mom

For this writer, mourning the end of the famed department store is about much more than nostalgia for sensible slacks...

9 Silent Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Abusive

Abuse can happen even without physical violence.

10 Family-Friendly Vacation Destinations That Even Your Jaded Teenagers Will Love

Want to unplug your high schooler and get your middle school kids to stop rolling their eyes when you mention...

Coming to Canada: The Story of First-Generation Dairy Farmers

This industrious farmer came from Denmark with ten dollars in his pocket and ended up being awarded the Order of...

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Ate Too Much Sugar? 9 Tricks to Help Reverse the Binge

If you overindulged your sweet tooth, try using these simple, nutritionist-approved tactics to reclaim your healthy eating routine today.