
10 Healthy Eating Tips That Are Good For the Planet Too

From new superfoods to the one diet that really works, these healthy eating tips aren't just good for you, they're good for the planet too!

11 “Innocent” Things You’re Doing That Harm the World’s Oceans

By the year 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish—you can help prevent that by reconsidering...

What We Can Learn From the Most Eco-Friendly Countries on Earth

Canada has a long way to go to earn top marks from environmental experts, but a few smart initiatives can...

CSI: Whale Edition—Meet the Team Behind Canada’s Marine Life Necropsies

Stephen Raverty’s team of B.C. investigators
 reconstruct cetacean deaths—
to prevent even more from happening.

13 “Eco-Friendly” Habits That Are Actually Worse for the Planet

We know you have the best interests of the planet at heart, but if you're not careful, you might be...

The Downside of Almond Milk People Aren’t Talking About

Almond milk is increasingly popular, but you'll want to read this before adding it to your next cup of coffee.

12 Tips for Canadians Travelling to East Africa for the First Time

Combining jaw-dropping scenery, fascinating cultures and exotic wildlife, East Africa has it all. This guide will help make your first...

7 Australian Animal Rescue Stories That Will Give You Hope

Yes, the news is really grim. But these stories just might restore your faith in humanity.

9 Reasons You Should Still Visit Australia

Australia is extraordinary at all times, but if you need some reasons why you should visit stat, we've got them.

What the Australian Bushfires Mean for the Rest of the World

As the continent's lands burn, it's not only Australians who are suffering.

7 Animals That May Be Extinct After the Australia Wildfires

The Australian bushfires have exacted an enormous, irreversible toll on the country's wildlife.

13 “Going Green” Myths—Busted

The truth about when to turn off lights or use your air conditioner.

12 Wild Animals That Became Endangered in 2019

These creatures could disappear from the Earth completely if we don't protect them.

How to Be More Eco-Friendly This Holiday Season

While the holidays can be wonderful in many ways, they aren't particularly kind to the environment. But by following these...

20 Things Millennials Have Been Killing Off in the Last Decade

We may be saying goodbye to these products, customs and ways of life for good.

9 Mesmerizing Photos That Show How Exactly Soap Is Recycled

Recycled soap keeps tonnes of waste out of landfills—and helps save lives to boot.

13 Weirdly Fascinating Facts About Jellyfish

Think you know all there is to know about jellyfish? Think again. These simple invertebrates are a lot more complex...

15 Things You’re Throwing Away—But Shouldn’t

Plastic bottles, glass jars, cardboard, old clothing and more are filling up our landfills. Do your part and help reduce...

What Can I Really Do About the Climate Crisis?

We asked Jessie Ma, energy-efficiency and storage researcher, to help answer one of our most pressing questions.

How Climate Change is Making You Sick

Canada is heating up twice as fast as the world's average—and the climate change crisis is already affecting our physical...

20 Tiny Everyday Changes You Can Make to Help the Environment

Yes, big changes are needed, but little ones add up. These simple lifestyle choices can reduce your carbon footprint—and make...

How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

Does true environmental change seem impossible? It’s not. Here’s how one country went from polluted to pristine in just a...

This is What the Amazon Rainforest Used to Look Like

It's been burning for weeks—but deforestation in the Amazon has been going on for decades. Below, we compare images from...

8 Things That Could Happen if the Amazon Rainforest Disappeared

The mightiest rainforest in the world is shrinking at an alarming rate. If it disappears altogether, the effects on our...

How Many Red Pandas Are Left in the Wild?

These lovable critters are sadly at risk of extinction. Find out how many red pandas are left in the world,...

This Is Why You Should Never Refill Your Plastic Water Bottle

We’re all guilty—but the consequences can be seriously harmful to your health.

Meet the Wildlife Veterinarians Saving Mountain Gorillas in Central Africa

Deep in the forests of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a group of wildlife vets—including Canadian...

How Many Tigers Are Left in the World?

Everywhere they live, tiger populations are threatened.