Healthy LivingMedical News You Need to Read This Week From state-of-the-art treatments to the latest discoveries, these medical news stories can have a positive impact on your life.
Best Tips8 Scary Ways Your Fireplace Could Be Toxic A roaring fire can really make wintertime more bearable, but it could also be dangerous to your health. Here’s what you need to know.
Best Tips20+ Subtle Ways Your House Might Be Making You Sick From off-gassing rugs to harsh chemical cleaners, your home could be harbouring a number of potential toxins. Find out how to protect yourself and your family by following this healthy home audit.
ConditionsHow to Tell the Difference Between Psoriasis, Rosacea and Eczema When it comes to skin conditions like rosacea, psoriasis and eczema, they have some similar symptoms. Here’s how to tell them apart.
Healthy Living40 Ways to Slash Your Risk of Osteoporosis Practice osteoporosis prevention with these 40 ways that help lower risk, from adding more calcium to your diet to testing your bones.
Healthy Living8 Life-Saving Lessons from Real-Life Poison Control Centre Calls We talked to poison centres across North America to discover the most common emergencies they handle. Here are the case-by-case dangers they shared—and their insider recommendations on avoiding accidental poisoning.
Conditions15 Alzheimer’s Breakthroughs That Give Hope for the Future It’s an exciting time for Alzheimer’s disease research, with new studies, treatments and answers on the horizon. Here’s what scientists are doing to possibly prevent and reverse the debilitating disease.
Healthy Living6 Surprising Health Benefits of Licorice You might think of licorice as just a candy, but the potent herb has health benefits that go beyond just satisfying your sweet tooth.
Healthy LivingHow Climate Change is Making You Sick Canada is heating up twice as fast as the world’s average—and the climate change crisis is already affecting our physical and mental health.
ConditionsThis 6-Year-Old Boy Had a Rare Allergy to Light—Here’s How Doctors Saved Him Benjamin Linderman began getting intensely itchy rashes on his neck, arms and other parts of his body. Could he be reacting to sunlight—or all visible light, including that from indoor bulbs?