Use magazines as gift wrap
Are stacks of magazines cluttering your coffee table? Cut out the pages and use them to make colourful gift wrap for small presents.

Fill tall boots with rolled magazines
Roll up a couple of old magazines and use them as boot trees inside a pair of boots. The magazines will help the boots maintain their shape when you’ve put them in seasonal storage.

Repurpose magazines for arts and crafts
Save up your old magazines for use in rainy-day crafts-with or without the kids. Go through the magazines to find images that you can use in a collage, or even a decoupage project. (Easter eggs, a decorative tray, or even a lampshade?)

Line drawers with pages from old magazines
Pages from large magazines with heavy coated paper make wonderful liners for small dresser and desk drawers. Look for advertisements with especially colourful designs or pictures. For a perfect fit, pull the page, place inside the drawer and press around the edges to define where to trim with scissors.

Make paper beads out of old magazines
Make colourful paper beads from leftover magazines. Cut one page into long triangles. Decide which side will be the front and place the front facing down. Brush the triangle with a thin layer of glue. Using a two-sided knitting needle or straw, roll up the triangle until you reach the point. Gently press down the point to make sure it sticks. Slide the bead off the needle or straw. Let them dry for a day before using. Depending on the size of your triangles, you’ll get between 20 to 30 beads.
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