How to Be a Better Lover
Plan your encounters
Time has a habit of slipping away, becoming filled with activities you didn’t plan (even if it’s just watching television). If you want to be a better lover for your significant other, schedule your adventures so they don’t get away from you. Call them dates, if you like. Planning to make love creates anticipation and piques interest. You don’t have to go anywhere or do anything special. Set aside an evening, or a morning or an afternoon if your days are free, just for each other.

Change your routine
If you and your partner have been together a long time, chances are you have a fairly established pattern when it comes to having sex. (These are widely recognized as the seven stages of marriage.) The next time you find yourself starting your regular ritual, stop and make a change. It doesn’t have to be anything major. Shower together instead of separately, light scented candles, or massage each other with heated body oil. Play music that you heard on your first date. Wear something surprising (or even naughty!) to bed. Even very small changes can give your love life a new sense of excitement. Or consider a change of venue. For instance, check into a hotel for a romantic getaway.

Slow down and enjoy it
Even though it’s natural for your body to slow down, your brain may still be telling you to move things along at a faster pace. Relax and enjoy the journey. Explore new ways to stimulate your partner outside of intercourse. Take pleasure in both giving and receiving, and let things unfold at their natural pace.
Here’s how one woman learned to keep feeling sexy after 60.

Try different positions
Sometimes health issues make your formerly favourite lovemaking positions uncomfortable or even impossible. If arthritis or a similar condition is a problem, try side-to-side positions, which relieve any need to support yourself or accommodate your partner’s weight. Seated positions let you vary the depth of penetration while giving you additional support (especially if you place your back against a wall or the back of a chair). If a man has difficulty maintaining an erection, he may want to try lying on top of his partner with his legs outside theirs so that they can further stimulate his penis by squeezing their thighs together.
Brush up on the health benefits of kegel exercises for men.

Spread out the love
It’s great when you have the whole afternoon to indulge in sex, or an evening when you are not tired. But this isn’t always the case. Rather than rushing through a “quickie,” try breaking off your lovemaking and returning later to pick up where you left off. A man may find that he’s enjoyed a sexy session of giving pleasure to his partner even if he hasn’t experienced orgasm himself.
Psst—this is the worst time of day to have sex.

Savour the experience
After sex, delight in the comforts of lying beside each other. Use the time to talk, or simply drift off to sleep together.
Now that you’ve got these tips on how to be a better lover under your belt, check out the sexual health tips your urologist wants you to know.