Keep this in mind when using natural remedies
There are a lot of ways to self-treat these days, but any time you venture into the world of alternative medicine, make sure you consult with your doctor first. Some natural remedies don’t play nice with prescription medication; others can be risky for people with certain conditions. Keeping those caveats in mind, here are some intriguing ways to handle common complaints.

Acne treatment
One of the most troubling skincare truths is that acne isn’t something that goes away once you pass your teenage years. In fact, women can suffer from it well into adulthood. One of the fantastic acne natural remedies is uncoated aspirin, which is natural salicylic acid. “Take five of them and add one drop of water on each to make them crumble. Mix with manuka honey, which is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and apply it directly to your breakout,” suggests Angela Jia Kim, founder of Savor Beauty.
Check out more effective adult acne treatments here.

Skin hydration
“Oils, such as avocado, olive, and coconut, can be very hydrating,” says RealSelf contributor Sejal Shah, MD. You can apply these to your face or your body and they’ll deeply penetrate the skin for long-lasting moisture. You can also mix them into your existing treatment cream. Note that because these oils can leave a greasy feel, they’re best applied to damp skin.
Try these home remedies to get rid of hiccups fast.

Menopause treatment
Perimenopause and menopause are normal stages of life, but some people have symptoms that are bothersome, such as hot flashes. (Check out more body signs no one tells you will come before menopause.) One of the most effective natural remedies is exercise. It’s important that your workout routine has a mix of cardio and weight training. Walking—if you can’t run—is a low impact, useful cardio-conditioning workout, while weight training helps you build muscle, rev up your metabolism, and keep you feeling strong.
You can start with group exercises to help motivate you.

Moisture retention
“Make an at-home face mask using oatmeal,” suggests Dr. Shah. “Oatmeal is a helpful natural ingredient because it acts as a humectant so it helps your skin retain moisture.” To whip one up combine 1/2 cup hot water (not boiling) with 1/3 cup oatmeal. Let the two settle for a few minutes. Mix well and add in two tablespoons Greek yogurt, two tablespoons manuka honey, and one egg white. Mix well and apply on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
Check out more highly homemade face mask recipes that actually work.

“Bleach is a natural antibacterial agent that eliminates germs and bacteria without the worsening of antibiotic resistance,” says RealSelf contributor Joel Schlessinger, MD. “In the right formulation, bleach can be gentle and non-drying, making it a great alternative acne treatment.”
Get to know more brilliant uses for bleach.

Sunscreen booster
When it comes to sun care, you can never have enough. Bolster your manual application with Heliocare. “It’s sunscreen in a pill—it’s designed to be used as a supplement to daily sunscreen for added UV protection,” says Dr. Schlessinger, who says that it’s derived from a fern in Central America. “Its main ingredient is Polypodium leucotomos extract, which is clinically proven to gradually build up your body’s natural defence against damaging UV rays. This antioxidant-rich extract helps the skin maintain its structure, improves the body’s immune response against sun damage and protects fragile elastin in the skin to maintain a more youthful appearance (Heliocare was tested by leading Harvard dermatologists).
Find out more smart sunscreen tips.

Acne treatment
High-carb foods are linked to acne—and weight gain—because your body experiences an increase in glucose and insulin levels. People who eat a healthy diet (that incorporates healthy carbohydrate-containing foods like produce and whole grains) have half as many acne breakouts, according to a naturopath, and is why avoiding dairy products, processed foods, refined sugars, and processed commercial oil products may naturally help fight acne. “Instead eat fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water, and consume only healthy fats such as flaxseed oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, as well as fermented foods,” says nutritionist and herbalist Ward Bond, PhD.
Check out the healthy high-fat foods you should be eating more of.

Wart remedy
Warts aren’t something anyone wants, especially when it’s beach season. So try some garlic: The antiviral and antibacterial properties of garlic attack the virus causing your wart and will cause it to blister and fall off. Simply cover your wart with a crushed garlic clove and secure it with a bandage. After 20 minutes, remove the clove and rinse the area. Do this twice daily for a week.
Here’s more expert advice on how to get rid of warts.

Eczema treatment
Many people with eczema have a vitamin A deficiency. “A supplement, combined with the mineral zinc will have maximum benefit for your skin,” says Dr. Bond. He also recommends applying a thin layer of coconut oil to the affected areas and taking it internally (a tablespoon per day). “I find that combining Himalayan pink salt with powdered magnesium in water is another effective solution. Just spray on the affected areas.”
Learn to spot the silent signs you aren’t getting enough vitamins.

Anti-itch treatment
Mom knew what she was talking about. Calamine lotion really does work wonders to naturally treat rashes. (And if that doesn’t work, here are more treatments for common skin conditions.) One reason calamine lotion works is the soothing, cooling feeling you’ll experience as it evaporates from your skin.

At any given moment there are about a million-and-one reasons to be stressed. Turns out just getting 15 minutes of sunshine can go a long way to help mitigate this. Why? It’s the best way to naturally increase your vitamin D levels, which can decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. You can further benefit if you can spend those 15 minutes surrounded by lush greenery. A review of research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that people who walk through a forest for roughly 20 minutes had lower stress-hormone levels after their walk than those who took a comparable walk in an urban area.
Check out more home remedies for natural anxiety relief.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. “Skin cells normally replicate every 28 to 30 days. In psoriasis, the skin cells replicate every three to four days,” explains Dr. Bond. People with psoriasis have travelled to the Dead Sea in Israel for centuries to soak in its salty water and experience its healing benefits. “Though adding Dead Sea salts to your bath at home isn’t quite the same—you’re not in the 100-degree dry heat that the Dead Sea provides as well—many people find that psoriasis Dead Sea salt soaks can help alleviate their itching and burning.” To try this natural treatment, add a quarter cup of authentic Dead Sea salts to bathwater that is warm to tepid and soak for about 15 minutes.
Find out more home remedies for psoriasis relief.

Infection treatment
For centuries, many cultures have used tea tree oil as natural remedies for skin problems and infections. “The oil comes from the leaves of the tea tree plant, which grows in Australia. When applied to the skin, this home remedy is said to help remove dry, dead cells. There are tea tree oil soaps available as well as topical creams,” says Dr. Bond. Just make sure to dilute full-strength tea tree oil according to the package instructions, or buy it in an already diluted form. It can cause sometimes cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, particularly at stronger concentrations.
Here are four skin changes you should never ignore.

Motion sickness
Don’t let your next cruise or road trip be ruined because of nausea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “motion sickness happens when the body, the inner ear, and the eyes send conflicting signals to the brain.” (Here’s the scientific reason why some people suffer from motion sickness and others don’t.) If you focus your eyes directly in front of you and look directly at the horizon, you can trick your brain into believing you aren’t moving.
These highly effective home remedies for nausea could also come in handy.

Topical antibacterial solution
“Oregano essential oil has very strong antibacterial properties,” says Dr. Bond. “These components have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-melanomic, anti-oxidative, antispasmodic, and antiseptic properties.” Oregano oil is great for feet. Simply mix two to three drops of oregano oil with four to six drops of coconut oil and apply a thin layer to your skin three times a day to help fight bacteria and inflammation.
Get to know more of the impressive health benefits of oregano oil.

Dry skin treatment
Are you moisturizing repeatedly and still suffering from dry skin? Try adding a cup of vegetable or mineral oil to a warm bath. Another home remedy you can try is mixing two teaspoons olive oil with a glass of milk and adding it to your bathwater. Oatmeal baths can also soothe your skin. Grind a few handfuls of plain oatmeal (not flavoured or instant) in a blender or food processor, then sprinkle the fine powder over your bathwater.
Discover more moisturizing tips for younger-looking skin.

“Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker in colour than the normal surrounding skin,” says Dr. Bond. This condition is the result of excess melanin—the brown pigment that produces normal skin colour, he explains. The simplest way to treat this, according to Dr. Bond, is with a paste of milk and honey on the affected areas. You can also mix curd with it. Since milk and curd contain lactic acid, they peel off the affected skin after a period of time, leaving skin beautiful. Vegetable juices from tomatoes, cucumber, and potato can also be applied on skin. “These lighten pigmentation and suit all skin types. This also leaves skin soothing and fresh all day.”
Reader’s Digest‘s editors from around the world share their favourite folk medicine remedies.

Flu fighter
One you may not know about is by consuming elderberries. In fact, elderberries—the dried berries of the Sambucus nigra plant—may help speed up recovery and possibly prevent the flu altogether. What makes them so potent is that they’re high in vitamins A, B, and C and stimulate the immune system. Consume them as is or have some elderberry soup.
Can you believe they used to treat flu with these crazy remedies in the old times?

This loss of skin pigmentation is due to an autoimmune reaction and can leave white patches on people of all skin types, but it may be more noticeable in people with darker skin. “Treatment for vitiligo may improve the appearance of the affected skin but does not cure the disease,” cautions Dr. Bond. “I suggest affected people rub a piece of papaya fruit on the white patches. Let it dry and then apply again. See that the juice penetrates the skin. In addition to this, drink papaya juice every day.”
Relieve the sting of bug bites without harsh chemicals with these 12 home remedies.

Cold relief
Meditation is great for stress relief, but did you know it can also help with cold relief? According to research in the journal Plos-ONE, adults who meditated for eight weeks had about one third fewer colds over the winter compared with a control group.
Here are some more natural remedies to fight a cold.

UV damage protection
Everyone should use sunscreen—every single day. Go above and beyond with additional natural remedies to help protect your skin, and that’s even better. “Antioxidants like lycopene or beta-carotene have natural sunscreen protection and may help reduce the intensity of a sunburn or minimize sun damage,” says naturopathic doctor Holly Lucille, ND. “Flavanols in cocoa may actually help provide protection from UV damage too and green tea’s catechin compounds help protect against the sun’s harmful radiation as does pomegranate extract, a rich source of ellagic acid, which can help protect your skin from UVA- and UVB-induced cell damage.”
Here are 15 skin cancer myths you need to stop believing.

Healthy gut bacteria
Probiotics offer a whole host of benefits including helping our bodies better absorb the nutrients in the food we consume. “There is also a robust research environment around probiotics highlighting key conditions such as weight loss,” says Dr. Lucille. “These studies suggest that gut bacteria may play a powerful role in weight regulation.”
Find out more ways to lose weight without a lick of exercise.

Better sleep
We’re all glued to our phone, but if you struggle to sleep you should shut it down. Try keeping your cell phone and other glowing electronics (including laptops and digital clocks) out of the bedroom. Go even further by making sure your shades are tightly drawn against any outdoor lights. And for maximum comfort, the National Sleep Foundation recommends a room temperature between 60 and 67 degrees.
Find out more things you can do all day long for a better night’s sleep.

Allergy remedy
Allergy sufferers can consider adding an omega-3 supplement such as DHA, EPA, and krill oil as they are anti-inflammatories. A German study published in the journal Allergy suggests that people who have diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids suffer from fewer allergy symptoms, explains Dr. Lucille.
Check out more natural allergy remedies.

Cough relief
Having a nagging cough gets annoying fast—especially for those around you. A great home remedy is black pepper tea. To make the tea, place one teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and two tablespoons of honey in a cup. Fill with boiling water and let steep, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain and sip as needed. This remedy works best on coughs that produce mucus and isn’t suitable for dry coughs. The rationale is that black pepper stimulates circulation and mucus flow, while honey is a natural cough suppressant and mild antibiotic.
Find out how chocolate can cure coughs better than some cough medicines!

Mosquito repellent
Natural mosquito repellents can use a combination of essential oils such as citronella, eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, lavender, thyme, clove, and sage. “Essential oils are the immune system of the plants. These oils protect plants from being eaten by bugs, bacteria, and viruses, so they may do the same for us,” says chiropractor and naturopath Gabrielle Francis. Combine 20 drops eucalyptus oil, 20 drops cedarwood oil, 10 drops tea tree oil, 10 drops geranium oil, and two drops almond oil in a four-ounce container. Apply to skin as needed, avoiding the eye area. Test on a small area of skin and try different oils for effectiveness.
Find out the best mosquito repellent plants to grow in your own backyard.

Acne treatment
“Rosewater helps acne because the essential oils in the rose have anti-microbial activity,” says Dr. Francis who says it can also reduce rosacea and rashes because it has anti-inflammatory properties. “Rosewater also reduces wrinkles and age spots due to its anti-oxidants such as vitamin C and E and the flavonoids.”
Learn to spot the signs your body is aging faster than you are.

Better sleep
Herbal natural remedies that support sleep include ashwagandha, chamomile, hops, passionflower, skullcap, and valerian root. Dr. Francis also highlights that weekly acupuncture and cranial sacral therapy treatments promote sleep. “Complement those remedies with chiropractic manipulation as needed, nightly Epsom salt baths, meditation before bed, and 20 minutes of sunshine daily without sunglasses.”
Find out the best vitamins for sleep.

Immune booster
If you want to give your immune system a boost—for example, because you feel a cold coming on, Dr. Francis suggests a hot tea to sweat out the virus. Combine one-ounce fresh sliced ginger, one stick of cinnamon, one teaspoon of coriander seeds, three cloves, one slice of lemon, and ½ litre of water. “Put the ingredients in the water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Strain. Sweeten with organic honey to taste and drink one cup every two hours.”
Check out the health benefits of drinking tea everyday.

Dry brushing has been getting a lot of attention as of late, and for good reason. Using a loofah or exfoliating brush and lightly stroking the skin may help stimulate the lymphatic system. “The lymphatic system is a channel of vessels that carry white blood cells and lymph fluid which are our immune’s defence against toxins and infections,” explains Dr. Francis. “The lymphatics run under the skin and therefore, skin brushing stimulates them allowing for better elimination (the skin and lymph are both organs of elimination).”
Find out the showering mistakes you didn’t know you were making.

Ease exhaustion
Is exhaustion keeping you from tackling your to-do list? For example, research has found that Panax ginseng helped cancer patients battling severe exhaustion. This herb is available in tea, liquid, or supplement form. Note, however, that anyone taking antidepressants, diabetes, or blood clotting medication should consult their physician first.
These energy-boosting foods can also help you rise and shine!

Balance pH
Black tea and coffee are highly acidic—and acidic foods are not good for the body. According to Dr. Francis having a high acid pH level is linked to gastrointestinal, immune, and circulatory problems. “To neutralize some of the acid, add a spice like cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, chicory, or nutmeg to your coffee and tea.”
Find out more surprising health benefits of cinnamon.

Better vision
Goji berries are among the top foods for eye health, according to Dr. Bond. “These berries have more carotenoids than any other food, about 40mg per 100mg of berries.” Papaya is excellent food for your vision; so are raw spinach and kale. “Both contain high concentrations of the phytochemical lutein. Best eaten raw or very lightly steamed, consume these foods with good fats such as those found in salmon, trout, and avocado.”
Check out more eye care tips your optometrist wishes you knew.

Energy booster
Feeling tired? Who isn’t? Tieraona Low Dog, MD, chief medical officer of Well & Being suggests you put a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in your smoothie to give yourself an energy boost. “Molasses is a rich source of highly bioavailable iron and it blends really nicely into the milk of your choice, with some pumpkin pie spice and a frozen banana.”
Need more iron? Consider adding these iron rich foods to your diet.

Acne treatment
Still looking for the right solution? Another natural remedy for acne is adding a spoonful of pumpkin seeds to your smoothie, salad, or soup. “Acne can occur when the body is low in zinc and pumpkin seeds are a terrific source of this mineral and other healthy nutrients,” explains. Dr. Low Dog.
Find out the innocent habits that practically guarantee your acne will scar.

Stress relief
If you’re stressed or tired, 300 mg of magnesium powder might help. “Many of us do not get enough magnesium in our diet, which is a shame because it helps us relax and feel calm—all are good for helping us get a good night’s sleep,” says Dr. Low Dog.
Check out more little-known health benefits of magnesium.

Better focus
“If focus is one of your primary problems, add 1/2 teaspoon of bacopa herb powder to your next smoothie,” says Dr. Low Dog. “It has long been used to help promote concentration, a use that is now being confirmed by modern science for those struggling with attention/focus. Make sure you buy from a reputable supplier.”
Here’s more expert advice on how to stay focused.

Beat constipation
The average Canadian doesn’t get enough fibre in their diet meaning constipation is very prevalent. In addition to loading up on fibre-rich foods, coffee can stimulate your colon and encourage a bathroom visit. Teas can work too. If you focus on upping your fibre intake, make sure to drink plenty of water, as well: Fibre needs water to work its cleansing magic.
Here are some more home remedies for constipation.

Mood booster
“We hold anxious thoughts and difficult feelings in our muscles as much as in our minds. When we are struggling to regain emotional wellness, we can turn to the mood-boosting gifts from green tea and high-quality dark chocolate,” says Dr. Low Dog explain that green tea contains small amounts of caffeine that increase mental focus; it also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that helps calm the mind. (Check out more health benefits of green tea you haven’t heard before.) “Dark chocolate is one of my favourite food-as-medicine prescriptions, as it is rich in compounds that gently lift the mood, as well as being good for the heart and mind.” Just remember to choose high-quality dark chocolate (ideally raw and at least 70 percent cacao).

Healthy gut remedy
“We’re lucky to live in a time when yogurt and kefir, and other fermented foods, are widely available,” says Dr. Low Dog: “These probiotic-packed foods are a great source of calcium, high in protein, and have the ability to repopulate gut flora when it’s out of whack, a gastric state that is far too common in modern times! I recommend including a cup of Greek yogurt and/or four ounces of kefir three to four times per week to your diet. If dairy doesn’t agree with you, you can stick with an old stand-by like sauerkraut or try something more adventurous like kombucha.”
Check out 10 more ways to improve your gut health.

Headache fighter
When it comes to fighting headaches, tea is a great help. In fact, while ginger tea can’t help fight migraines, it can help quell the nausea that often accompanies migraines. Simply simmer three quarter-sized slices of ginger root in two cups of water and cover for 30 minutes, and sip. Chamomile tea also has compounds that relieve stress and ease a throbbing noggin.
Discover more home remedies for headaches.

Dark spot treatment
“I love Rosa roxburghii for dark spots,” says Dr. Low Dog. “This beautiful flowering bush grows throughout Asia, and its fruit is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, essential fatty acids that help soothe irritation and inflammation that contribute to hyperpigmentation.” You can find it in a number of popular skin-care products, often in combination with licorice, which strong evidence suggests can also naturally lighten dark spots.
Here’s more on the surprising health benefits of licorice.

Carpal tunnel
Icing the inflamed area can ease the pain but won’t necessarily make the problem go away. Experts say that this can actually stiffen muscles and tendons and slow the blood flow. Instead, try massaging the area following icing to stimulate the flow of blood.
Find out exactly when to use ice or heat for pain relief.

Heart health booster
Chief among the health benefits of avocados is that they’re great for your heart. Avocados are the only fruit (yes they’re a fruit!) that contain healthy monounsaturated fats. They also contain more than twice the amount of potassium than bananas and are high in fibre—two more heart-healthy attributes. “The healthy fats in avocados improve the absorption of other key nutrients and research has shown that the avocado is a powerhouse when it comes to significantly lowering total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol—the small dense type that is particularly dangerous for the heart,” says Dr. Low Dog. “I suggest adding avocados to your smoothies, using it as a spread on whole-grain bread instead of butter, or just slicing one open and eating it for breakfast with a little lemon.”
Discover 30 more ways to boost your heart health.

This type of arthritis causes pain, swelling, tenderness, and inflammation in the joints, and it can be linked to more serious, health problems. Definitely see your doctor first if you suspect you have gout. Try adding cherries to your diet—fresh, frozen, or dried. They help reduce inflammation and gout flare-ups because they contain anthocyanin. Try to eat 15 to 20 cherries a day.
Check out more foods that fight inflammation.

Brighter smile
“Brushing your teeth with baking soda and a pinch of sea salt is a natural way to get a squeaky clean mouth while naturally brightening the teeth,” says Megan Linney, spa director at the Spa at Red Rock by Well & Being (it’s part of the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa). “The sea salt is detoxifying and healing to the gums while giving an extra “scrub” effect to the teeth.”
Psst—here’s how long you need to brush your teeth.

Cancer fighter
According to author and internist Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, the single most powerful herb for cancer prevention is curcumin. Derived from turmeric, curcumin is what makes Indian curries yellow. “There have been countless studies showing that it helped everything from arthritis and Alzheimer’s to depression and cancer. The problem? Its absorption was so poor that unless you were eating an Indian diet all day you couldn’t get enough without taking literally hundreds of turmeric pills. Most turmeric is less than 2 percent curcumin.”
A new study suggests an alternative, says Dr. Teitelbaum: “It was discovered that by adding turmeric oil to your diet you could increase curcumin absorption by 700 percent. So now, it only takes two to four pills to see the full effects.”
Learn about more foods that may help prevent cancer.

Energy booster
The nutrient ribose is the backbone of energy production, says Dr. Teitelbaum. “Most people don’t have the energy they would like. We are even seeing a new epidemic of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, which reflects the worst case of the human energy crisis. In two of our published studies, ribose has been shown to increase energy an average of 61 percent after three weeks. In the study, we used five grams of the ribose powder three times a day. It looks and tastes like sugar, and is easy to take.”
Find out more natural remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Inflammation and depression fighter
The loss of omega-3s in the North American diet has contributed to inflammation, depression, and heart disease—along with other mood disorders, says Dr. Teitelbaum. “I was asked to write a 20,000-word textbook chapter on nutrition and mental health, and the most important nutrient was fish oil.” You can get plenty of omega-3s by eating more fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and trout.
This easy chart will show you which fish have the most Omega-3s.

Treat heartburn
Baking soda is a home staple for good reason: It’s one of several effective home remedies for heartburn, specifically for the symptoms of acid reflux. Because it contains carbonate, it helps restore the acid/alkaline balance in your digestive tract. Experts recommend putting one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drinking it (just don’t do this on a full stomach).
Next, here are some more old-time home remedies worth trying.