15 Low-Sodium Foods to Help You Cut Your Salt Intake

Did you know that Health Canada recommends eating no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily? Here's a list of low-sodium foods to swap in for 15 high-sodium culprits.

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low-sodium foods - Turkey slices next to cobb sandwich
Taste of Home

Buy: Turkey breast

Skip: Cold cuts

Processed meats like deli cold cuts tend to be loaded with sodium and preservatives. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy your favourite turkey sandwich anymore. Preparing your own meat at home and slicing for sandwiches is a great alternative. Read on for more low-sodium foods to help cut your salt intake.

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low-sodium foods - Homemade soup vs canned
Taste of Home, FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock

Make: Homemade soup

Skip: Canned soup

Canned goods, especially soups, are packed full of sodium to help with preservation and flavour. Making soup at home is not only fun, but a great way to control how much salt is going into your dish.

For more energy during the day, try these 15 best foods to boost your metabolism.

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low-sodium foods - Snappy tuna melt and a peanutbutter mayo and cheese sandwich
Taste of Home

Buy: Swiss

Skip: Cheddar

Cheese is a common culprit for driving up daily sodium intake, but not all cheeses are the same in terms of salt content. Swiss cheese is actually the lowest sodium cheese and can often be substituted for other cheeses in dishes. Plain Greek yogurt, avocado and potato can also be great creamy substitutes in dishes calling for cheese, too.

Can you freeze cheese? Yes—here’s what you need to know!

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low-sodium foods - Homemade ketchup vs store bought
Taste of Home, designs by Jack/Shutterstock

Make: Homemade ketchup

Skip: Store-bought condiments

All condiments are usually loaded with salt as a preservative and flavouring agent. They can really increase your overall sodium intake when eaten in large quantities, like ketchup often is.

Steer clear of these other unhealthy condiments.

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low-sodium foods - Popcorn vs potato chips
Taste of Home, Jiri Hera/Shutterstock

Buy: Popcorn

Skip: Chips

It’s no surprise that chips are huge sodium bombs. These crunchy snacks can be addictive, quickly adding up the salt load! There are a lot of snack options much lower in sodium to satisfy that crunchy craving, like veggie sticks with dip.

Beat between-meal blahs with these creative healthy snacks.

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low-sodium foods - Pasta and jarred sauce
Taste of Home

Make: Fresh tomato sauce

Skip: Jarred pasta sauce

While jarred tomato sauce can be a lifesaver when you need to make a quick meal, it can also be loaded with sodium. Thankfully, homemade tomato sauce doesn’t have to be simmering on the stove all day to be delicious.

Tomatoes are also one of the foods you’re spoiling by putting in the fridge.

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Homemade fries vs fast food
Taste of Home, BORIMAT PRAOKAEW/Shutterstock

Make: Potato Wedges

Skip: French fries

These salty treats can really sabotage your low-sodium diet! However, there are lots of lower sodium alternatives to french fries—from making fries at home with minimal salt added, to veggie fries, to delicious herbed potato wedges.

Don’t miss the simple trick that keeps potatoes from turning brown!

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Homemade salad dressing vs store bought
Taste of Home, Philip Pilosian/Shutterstock

Make: Homemade salad dressing

Skip: Store-bought salad dressing

Store-bought salad dressing, while convenient, can be loaded with salt. Thankfully, homemade salad dressing is incredibly easy to make and usually tastes way better than the stuff from the grocery store.

Here’s the salad you should always avoid ordering at restaurants.

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Mushroom and traditional bread sandwiches side by side
Taste of Home

Buy: Mushroom caps

Skip: Bread

Surprisingly, bread is one of the most common foods that puts people over the edge with sodium. Store-bought breads can be loaded with salt that adds up especially quickly given that we typically eat more than one slice at a time. One way around this is to make your own low-sodium bread at home or to start swapping out bread for veggie alternatives.

From new superfoods to the one diet that really works, these healthy eating tips aren’t just good for you, they’re good for the planet too!

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Market Pantry Beef Broth boxes on display at a Target store.
Taste of Home, melissamn/Shutterstock

Make: Homemade broth

Skip: Store-bought broth

The beef and chicken broth that you typically buy from the grocery store is full of sodium to improve flavour. Broths and stocks are really easy to make at home. If you make a big batch, the broth stores well in the freezer, too.

Learn the difference between stock and broth.

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Fresh veggies vs canned
Taste of Home, Steve Cukrov/Shutterstock

Buy: Fresh vegetables

Skip: Canned vegetables

Canned veggies, while convenient, are packed with salt to help with preservation. One way to help reduce the sodium load is to rinse the veggies out of the can or purchase fresh produce.

Here’s how long your fresh produce will really last.

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Soft-baked pretzels vs hard pretzels
Taste of Home

Buy: Salt-Free Pretzels

Skip: Regular pretzels

Given that pretzels are covered in large salt granules, they are certainly a high-sodium food. But there are ways to still enjoy these delicious snacks in a more balanced way. Whether that be asking for a salt-free soft pretzel at the ball game or making them at home and being very sparing with how much salt you sprinkle on top.

Surprise—these foods aren’t nearly as nutritious as most people think.

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Bell pepper pickles and dill pickles
Taste of Home

Buy: Sweet pickles

Skip: Dill pickles

Pickles are a common culprit when trying to pinpoint where the salt in your diet is coming from. However, not all pickles need to be of the dill variety—the sweeter the pickle, the less salt it contains. So give some bread and butter pickles a try or make a lower sodium pickle at home.

Find out what happens to your body when you stop eating red meat.

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Make: Homemade pizza

Skip: Frozen pizza

From the crust to the sauce to the cheese on top, there are many reasons why pizza is loaded with sodium. But with some creativity, you can still enjoy this classic food, especially if you make it from scratch.

These healthy pizza toppings are a surefire way to elevate your pizza.

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Two different kinds of nuts prepared differently
Taste of Home, Jiri Hera/Shutterstock

Buy: Unsalted nuts

Skip: Roasted, salted nuts

Nuts are an incredible source of healthy fat and protein. But the roasted, salted varieties can be loaded up with sodium! We recommend buying the raw or unsalted roasted varieties from the supermarket and enjoy them like that or include them in a low-sodium recipes.

Next, discover more ways salt is making you sick.

Taste of Home
Originally Published on Taste of Home

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