Whole lobster or crab
This one is from personal experience. It’s hard to look at someone romantically while they are ripping apart a creature from the bottom of the sea with their bare hands.
Check out the 10 foods even professional chefs cook in the microwave, including lobster!

Spaghetti and meatballs
Let’s be honest, the date is not going to turn out like Lady and the Tramp. Instead, it’s more likely to end up like Lady and the Spaghetti Sauce in Her Lap.
From boiling it to slurping it, here’s how to achieve the perfect bowl of pasta every time.

Hamburgers that are bigger than your mouth
It won’t be pretty to watch.
Check out this Ultimate Moose Burger recipe by Chef Katie Hayes of Newfoundland’s Bonavista Social Club.

Spicy foods
If you need to use your napkin as a sweat rag, the meal is too spicy for a date.
Here are eight Indian spices you should start using in everyday meals.

Slurping sounds are not romantic.
These soup recipes will improve your brain health like nothing else!

Dollar Menu
If you’re going to take your date to a fast-food joint, at least make it romantic and super-size it.
Here are 15 menu items you should never order at restaurants.

The more you eat them the more you…enough said.
Try this smoky beef chili with kidney beans recipe from HelloFresh Canada!

It will end up stuck in your teeth.
Here are eight spring superfoods you definitely need to add to your grocery list.

Garlic bread
Unless, of course, your date is eating it as well.
Here are 12 foods you have no clue you’ve been eating all wrong, including garlic!

Wings and ribs
Any menu item that comes with a Wet Nap should be avoided at all costs.