Keep Cup Holders Clean
If you love your coffee and donuts in the morning, you’ll no doubt have noticed that crumbs seem to have an affinity for sticky spaces. To avoid grit buildup in your cup holders, use silicone muffin liners. When they get grimy, pop them out to wash. This simple little trick goes a long way to ensuring you have a clean vehicle.

Group Your Goods
Grouping items in your car doesn’t necessarily mean going out and buying purpose-built car totes. For efficient unloading (and a tidy vehicle), keep a laundry basket in your trunk. Fill it with reusable shopping bags so that you’ve always got plenty of storage to contain the clutter your hauling.
These home organization hacks will also come in handy.

Keep Your Hands Clean
Hand sanitizers can be found everywhere these days—homes, offices, malls… But what about your car? Simply place a bottle of sanitizer in the side compartment of the driver’s door. This facilitates quick clean-ups after pumping gas or pushing a grocery cart.
Check out five things you should always keep in your glove box.

File Your Receipts
If you’ve got a daily commute, chances are you spend enough time in your car to view it as your “second home.” And with that comes unnecessary clutter. But there is a solution! Keep an envelope labelled “receipts” in the main console and use it to stash parking permits and drive thru receipts. Every week, take a moment to decide which ones are important to keep.
These car interior cleaning tips will refresh your ride.

Contain the Trash
Prevent debris from finding its way into every corner and compartment by repurposing a plastic container or empty tissue box to hold all garbage. Empty weekly, or daily if you’re an especially messy person.
Next, check out 13 cleaning hacks that help take the hassle out of housekeeping.