The Five and Dime Diner
The Five and Dime Diner in Sidney, B.C., where Mike loved the brie, bacon and apple grilled cheese sandwich.

Pluto’s Diner
Pluto’s Diner was constructed out of an old Pacific 66 gas station, only built in postwar Western Canada, complete with gullwing roof-this style of gas station was discontinued in the late 1970s-this is the only one left in Canada.

The R & R Diner
The R N R Diner in Saanich, B.C., was exactly what Mike was looking for. With lots of old photos on the walls, an antique gas pump in the centre of the room and plenty of chrome chairs, booths upholstered in fake leather and a serving tray for pies with a plastic lid-it was perfect.

Rosie’s Diner
Rosie’s Diner in Victoria ad all the right décor-chrome stools and chairs, a checkered tile floor and old photos on the wall. Plus, it has been in that location for a long time.

Rosie’s Diner Patio
Rosie’s Diner in Victoria also has an outdoor patio to enjoy all that great Victoria sunshine.