Komarno, Manitoba
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! Komarno, Manitoba, embraces its reputation as Canada’s most popular destination—for mosquitoes. Located 70 kilometres north of Winnipeg, the town’s name actually means “mosquito infested” in Ukrainian. While no official statistics exist to support (or refute) Komarno’s claim to fame, they’ve taken the title into their own hands-a 4.6-metre statue of a mosquito was erected in 1984.

Over the last decade, mosquitoes have had a love-hate relationship with Calgary. In 2013, prolonged rainy conditions created the perfect conditions for a mosquito baby boom. Luckily, the city got a respite in 2015—the hot, dry summer took a serious bite out of the mosquito population. Whatever the weather conditions may be, it’s always a fantastic place to visit.
Here are 40 Calgary experiences worth adding to your bucket list.

Parkhill, Ontario
This pretty town in southwestern Ontario was branded “Skeeterville” in 2011 thanks to an invasion of hungry mosquitoes. Residents reported that the bugs appeared in thick clouds, and few bare arms or legs made it through the evenings unscathed.
Don’t miss these 20 quirky roadside attractions across Canada!

The Yukon
Never underestimate how far north mosquitoes will venture when they’ve got a hankering for a tasty human treat. Mandy Wilson, a Reader’s Digest Facebook follower from Victoria pinpoints the Yukon as a mosquito hotspot. “They’re just brutal up there,” she says.
Is it still worth exploring the Yukon’s unspoiled landscapes? You bet! Just make sure you brush up on this tips to prevent mosquito bites.

Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario
This national park on the northern shore of Lake Superior proved an itchy nightmare for traveller Lucie Page. “Mosquitoes were in our eyes, ears, nose, mouth… I had six bites on one eyelid. I counted 42 bites around one ankle alone,” she says. “We normally take pictures [on our vacations], but bugs were in all our photos, smashed in our lenses, trying to get to our eyeballs.” Sounds rough, but with natural scenery that gorgeous, we can’t blame the mosquitoes for wanting it all to themselves.
Check out 50 more gorgeous parks across Canada.

Sometimes you’ve got to take the bad with the good. Surrounded by picture-perfect wilderness, the city of Yellowknife (nominated by Reader’s Digest reader Bart Burtnyk) is an irresistible lure not only nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, but also winged pests searching for their next meal.
Get inspired with this one traveller’s love letter to Yellowknife.

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Everyone loves Cape Breton, including (according to reader Beanie Jessome), mosquitoes. During the summer of 2014, Andrew Hebda, zoology curator of the Museum of Natural History, told the CBC that the region’s mosquitoes were breeding fast and furious thanks to a heat wave. Dwindling numbers of natural predators like brown bats, barn swallows and chimney swifts also caused the skeeter population to skyrocket.
We love Cape Breton, too—the Cabot Trail made our list of the 10 Canadian road trips everyone should take at least once.

Baker Lake, Nunavut
Facebook follower Michelle Arnasungaaq nominated her hometown of Baker Lake as magnet for thirsty mosquitoes. Don’t let the bugs put you off from visiting the only inland community in Nunavut, though. It sits on the lip of a picturesque lake surrounded by breathtaking northern tundra, and boasts a thriving arts community.
Explore more hidden gems across Canada.

Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
T.J. Hansen, a Reader’s Digest Facebook follower from Markham, Ontario, says the mosquitoes he encountered in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, were unusually irritating. “They seemed bigger and they wouldn’t go away,” he says. In 2012 and 2015, the city underwent a malathion fogging program to quell the number of the pests carrying West Nile Virus.
Ever wondered what the world would look like without mosquitoes? (Be careful what you wish for!)

Holberg, British Columbia
Reader Farrah Pierce says that her Vancouver Island community of Holberg, British Columbia, is another popular dining destination for mosquitoes. With its abundant rainfall and dense forests, the pretty hamlet is the ideal hangout for mozzies—but also a fantastic jumping-off point for some breathtaking hikes.
Check out more of the best hikes across Canada.

How to beat the biters
Don’t let mosquitoes deter you from visiting any of the see-worthy Canadian destinations that made this list! When travelling, consider wearing light coloured, long-sleeved shirts, full pants and closed shoes when mosquitoes are most active (typically at dawn and dusk). Steer clear of standing water—the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes—and be sure to pack insect repellent.
Next, check out the 10 places in Canada every Canadian needs to visit.