Pumpkin Pattern #1: Who, Me?
Goofy, sure, but this wacky pumpkin face is simple enough for kids to help you carve it.

Pumpkin Pattern #2: Cat’s Whiskers
This purrfectly cute pumpkin carving stencil isn’t hard to create at home. You can skip the whiskers if your knife skills aren’t up to the job.

Pumpkin Pattern #3: Casper the Friendly Ghost
Not too scary for little ones, this template is mostly curved lines, making it easier for pumpkin carving novices.

Pumpkin Pattern #4: Starry Night
You and Van Gogh: This stencil offers a cool, twinkly evening scene that’s different than the usual Jack. Feel free to mix up where the stars go, based on where your pumpkin’s flattest (easiest to carve).

Pumpkin Pattern #5: Hissing Cat
More for an expert hand, this pumpkin carving template requires a steady knife to make sure that the cat‘s feet and tail don’t separate from the base. If you slip, you can always “piece” it back together with toothpicks.

Pumpkin Pattern #6: Tombstones
Spooky gravestones are not hard to cut out, but they make a creepy jack-o’-lantern nonetheless.

Pumpkin Pattern #7: Lopsided Grin
Watch for the eyes and teeth when you’re carving out this pumpkin template: The squares and circles are tricky if your knife is larger. Switch to a smaller blade for the detail work if you need.

Pumpkin Pattern #8: Devil-May-Care
This pumpkin carving template is more for the pros: Use a sharp, thin knife blade to trim away all the curls.

Pumpkin Pattern #9: Scary Face
This jack-o’-lantern’s template is a classic: part devilsh grin, part evil genius.

Pumpkin Pattern #10: Creepy Owl
Whoo-whoo wants to make a different jack-o’-lantern this year? You do, with this easy, wide-image stencil.

Pumpkin Pattern #11: Death’s Head
Start with the quirky eyebrows first, then work your way down the face for an easier pumpkin carving experience.

Pumpkin Pattern #12: Happy Jack
If you’re a little rusty in your pumpkin carving skills, try cutting out the entire triangle for eyes and half-circle for the mouth; you can always cut in eyeballs and teeth and spear them in with toothpicks.

Pumpkin Pattern #13: Wink Wink!
Here’s a design idea your neighbours will LOL over: an emoticon-friendly face. And best of all? This text-worthy pumpkin pattern is simple enough for even beginners to carve.

Pumpkin Pattern #14: Flying Witch
Start slowly by lightly tracing the outline of the witch with your knife; then go around again and cut deeper into the pumpkin, to outline the figure in the template.

Pumpkin Pattern #15: Haunted House
This silly, almost human house will cast creepy shadows on the wall. If you’re unsure of your pumpkin carving skills, you can skip the extra cuts for the roof and simplify the entire template.

Pumpkin Pattern #16: Boo!
Pumpkin carving pros: Take it to the next level by adding an open-mouth scream to this eerie ghost template.

Pumpkin Pattern #17: Scary Spider
Black widow: Trace the outline of the spider’s body with your knife, then use a thinner, sharp knife to really etch out the eight legs.

Pumpkin Pattern #18: Gone Batty
You’ll be done with this pumpkin stencil in no time with its easy-to-carve pattern. Great for kids to help, and you can make more than one bat if your surface is large enough.

Pumpkin Pattern #19: Skull
Watch for the tiny pieces between the skull top and bottom, and the bridge of the nose; you’ll want to carve the pumpkin carefully in those connecting spaces. A smaller paring knife might work well there.

Pumpkin Pattern #20: Sweet Ice Cream
What a treat! A pumpkin carving template that’s sure to please any kid; just watch for the spacing between scoops, which can be hard for beginners to get right.

Pumpkin Pattern #21: Spooky Tree
Once you get the base down, you can go free-form with the branches, letting the surface of your pumpkin be your guide to carving it.

Pumpkin Pattern #22: Raven
This creepy bird pattern can also be replicated in multiple times around the pumpkin, making for a very Hitchcock “The Birds” decoration. Amazing when lit.

Pumpkin Pattern #23: Candy Corn
Trick or treat! Put this pumpkin out on the porch if yours is the house that’s giving out the best candy.

Pumpkin Pattern #24: Ghastly Ghost
Do we have to spell it out for you? This pumpkin carving template makes for one silly jack-o’-lantern.

Pumpkin Pattern #25: Joy Ride
Got kids who love cars? This pumpkin template ought to drive them over the edge of happiness.

Pumpkin Pattern #26: Acorns
Fall is in the air with this festive pumpkin template, which is easy to knock out in minutes.

Pumpkin Pattern #27: My Lips Are Sealed
We won’t tell anyone that you can make this pumpkin carving template using all easy, straight lines.