Not stretching before shovelling
The Mayo Clinic suggests that people warm up their arms and legs. Even take a short walk around the block first to get your blood flowing.

Shovelling too much snow at once
It’s easy to forget that snow can get really heavy when it’s wet, and people will try to lift too much in order to finish the job quicker. It’s best to take your time and try to push as much snow as you can instead of lifting it.
Discover the most efficient way to remove snow from your car.

Lifting with your back
Proper snow shovelling form means facing the snow and keeping your hips and shoulders square. Bend with your knees and lift with your legs. Be sure to shovel manageable amounts of snow and don’t let it pile up.
Find out the winter driving mistakes that are putting you in danger.

Not working in stages
Shovelling snow goes a lot easier if you start by creating a path down the middle of the driveway. That way you can push the snow to either side of the driveway. Be sure to take a break every 15 minutes so you don’t overdo it.

Not keeping a clear path
Try not to trample all over areas you haven’t cleared yet because you’ll start packing the snow down, which will make it tougher to scoop up later.
Find out the best way to de-ice your driveway.

Not staying hydrated
Shovelling snow is vigorous work, and just like with other exercise, you need to stay hydrated while you shovel.

Not wearing enough layers
Working outside in the cold means you’ll need some layers, boots and snow clothing to stay warm while doing the job. Plus, you’ll likely sweat through a layer so it’s important to have multiple layers.
Next, take a look back at the worst snowstorms in Canadian history.