Paper plates are eco-friendly for picnics. Just dump your plates and food remains in the compost.

1. Arts & Crafts
Rainy days are long and boring if you’re a kid. Dig out those paper plates and teach your brood to make masks, mobiles and decorations. Cut the paper plates in the shape of butterfly wings and attach the two together with some twine to create a butterfly mobile. Turn the plate over and use the underside as the face of a clock. Paste on numbers and hands to teach your children to tell time the old-fashioned way. Have tiny tots? Use the plate for a handprint wall hanging.

2. Protect Stored Dishes
Prevent stored dishes from clattering and breaking, especially when you are moving, by inserting a paper plate between each dish when packing.

3. Make Prompt Cards
It’s inevitable-at the eleventh hour your child tells you they need prompt cards to deliver a presentation. If you don’t have any, use paper plates and a ruler. Measure out an 8 x 13-centimetre or 10 x 15-centimetre card on the plate and cut. Use the first card as a template for the rest.

4. Catch Paint Drip
Painters more often than not scrape the paintbrush on the side of the can to remove excess paint. To prevent drips from falling on the floor, place a paper plate under the can.

5. Frisbee Flash Cards
Drilling your kids with flash cards can be a drag, but here’s a way to make it fun. Write the numbers, letters, words or shapes you are teaching on paper plates and let the kids toss them like Frisbees across the room (or lawn) when they get a correct answer.