5 Things To Do with Effervescent Antacid Tablets

Effervescent antacid tablets like Alka-Seltzer are great for headaches and hangovers. But their fizzing abilities also come in handy around the home for everything from cleaning the toilet to attracting hungry fish. Click through for more great uses of effervescent antacids.

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Effervescent Antacid Tablets Uses

Effervescent Antacid Tablets Uses

The combination of citric acid and dissolving action in effervescent antacids make them great for home cleaning.

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Effervescent Antacid Tablets Can Clean Your Coffee Maker

Effervescent Antacid Tablets Can Clean Your Coffee Maker

Fill your percolator or the water chamber of your drip coffee maker with water and drop in four effervescent antacid tablets. When the tablets have dissolved, out the coffee maker through a brew cycle to clean the tubes. Rinse the chamber out two or three times, then run a brew cycle with plain water.

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Antacid Tablets Will Clean Your Toilet

Antacid Tablets Will Clean Your Toilet

The citric acid in antacid tablets, combined with their fizzing action, is an effective toilet-bowl cleaner. Just drop a couple of tablets into the bowl and find something else to do for 20 minutes or so. When you return, a few swipes with a toilet brush will make your toilet bowl gleam.

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Antacids Can Unclog a Drain

Antacids Can Unclog a Drain

Drain clogged again? Get almost instant relief by dropping a couple of antacids down the opening, then pouring in a cup of vinegar. Wait a few minutes and then run the hot water at full force to clear the clog. This is also a good way to get rid of kitchen drain odours.

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Antatcids Will Soothe Insect Bites

Antatcids Will Soothe Insect Bites

Are mosquito or other insect bites driving you crazy? To ease the itch, drop two antacid tablets into half a glass of water. Dip a cotton ball in the glass and supply the solution to the bite. Caution: don’t do this if you’re allergic to acetylsalicylic acid, which id a key ingredient in most antacid tablets.

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Antacids for Your Fishing Trip

Antacids for Your Fishing Trip

All avid anglers know fish are attracted to bubbles. If you are using a hollow plastic tube jig on your line, just break off a piece of an antacid tablet and slip it into the tube. The jig will produce an enticing stream of bubbles as it sinks.

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