Duct Tape
From leaky hoses and cold feet to a slew of objects in need of repair, the duct tape roll comes through when we need it the most.
Fun Fact: Avon, Ohio, is “The Duct Tape Capital of the World,” with an annual Duct Tape Festival to prove it.
Think Big: The world’s largest roll of duct tape weighs 650 pounds and measures nearly 10 kilometres.

1. Reinforce Book Binding
Duct tape is perfect for repairing a broken book binding. Using a nice-coloured tape, run the tape down the length of the spine and cut shorter pieces to run perpendicular to that if you need extra reinforcement.
(Photo: Petair/iStockphoto)

2. Make a Toy Sword
Got a couple of would-be swashbucklers around the house? Make toy swords for the junior Errol Flynns by sketching a kid-size sword on a piece of cardboard. Use two pieces if you haven’t got one thick enough. Be sure to make a handle the child’s hand can fit around comfortably once it’s been increased in thickness by several layers of duct tape. Wrap the entire blade shape in silver duct tape. Wrap the handle in black tape.
(Photo: elxeneize/iStockphoto)

3. Short-term Auto Hose Fix
Until you can get to your mechanic, duct tape makes a strong and dependable temporary fix for broken water hoses on your automobile. But don’t wait too long. Duct tape can only withstand temperatures up to 200°F (93°C). Also, don’t use it to repair a leak in your car’s gas line – the gasoline dissolves the adhesive.
(Photo: Maurusone/iStockphoto)

4. Extra Insulation
Make your winter boots a little bit warmer by taping the insoles with duct tape, silver side up. The shiny tape will reflect the warmth of your feet back into your boots.
(Photo: justinkendra/iStockphoto)

5. Create a Clothesline
Whether you’re out in the wilderness on a camping trip or in your own backyard, when you need a clothesline and you’re without rope, think: duct tape. Twist a long piece of duct tape into a rope and bind it between trees for a clothesline. It makes a dandy jump rope as well or a basic rope sturdy enough to lash two items together. You can even use your creation to drag a child’s wagon.
(Photo: Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Thinkstock)