1. Skunk
A six-foot marabou feather boa creates this skunk’s stripes, while its head and tail are a soft fake fur.

2. Firefighter
Firefighters in recent years have become universal heroes, so anyone can choose this costume. You can buy a firefighter’s hat at a party store.

3. Dalmatian
Everybody loves Dalmatians, and everybody loves to play the puppy now and then. This costume will keep you very happy.

4. Bouquet of Flowers
Become a bouquet of flowers and no one will be able to resist you.
Make this Costume: Get Step-by-Step Instructions

5. Knights Who Say Ni!
You’ll need to visit a hardware store, a sports store, and a party shop for the components of this costume unless, of course, you have items around the house that will do. Be sure to practice your galloping to complete this costume.
Make this Costume: Get Step-by-Step Instructions