For such a common mode of workplace communication, intra-office e-mails tend to be terribly written. What easier way to stand out from the crowd than to consistently send sharp, welcome electronic messages? Just do the following.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/Grady Reese)

1. Polish Your Subject Line
The key is to be specific, not necessarily short. Instead of giving your e-mail the name “Byrne project,” call it “Byrne project: new deadline for phase 2.” Your e-mail is already more interesting than most.
(Photo courtesy of iStock)

2. Don’t Bury the Lead
If you want to annoy people, make them read three paragraphs before you get to the point. If you want to rise in the company, state your purpose in the first sentence or two and then get to the why and how of it.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/Nenad Aksic)

3. End With an Action Request
Example: “I will call you on Monday at 10 a.m. to follow up on this.” Or: “When can we get this done?” Otherwise, nothing is likely to happen.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/Pablo Calvo)

4. Be Friendly
Decent people who would never dream of being cold and abrupt in person often come off that way in their e-mails. Being businesslike doesn’t have to mean being impersonal. Remember that the sender and receiver are both human beings.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/Mark Rose)

5. Proof Your Emails
It’s worth repeating. Just one misspelling, grammatical error, or typo makes you look foolish. It also makes you look disrespectful to the recipient. Sending clean e-mails automatically lifts you above the sloppy crowd.
(Photo courtesy of iStock)

6. Behave Yourself
Irony doesn’t work in e-mails. Neither do sensitive subjects, such as sex, race, religion, and politics. Stay away from them, because every message you send is being judged.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/Nenad Aksic)

7. Stop CC-ing Everybody
All you’re doing is making all involved feel less important.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/Grady Reese)

8. Pick Up Your Phone
If you have to spend more than five minutes on an e-mail message, call instead.
(Photo courtesy of iStock/GreatPixels)