Can you see clearly? Try your eye at these puzzles.

The Amsler Grid
The Amsler grid is used to monitor your central visual field. It’s commonly used to detect and diagnose visual disturbances caused by changes in the retina. In particular, the grid is used to detect early signs of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The Amsler grid can also detect problems with the optic nerve and in the visual pathway to the brain.
To use the grid:
1. Wear your reading glasses and hold this grid 12 to 15 inches away from your face in good light.
2. Cover one eye.
3. Look directly at the center dot with the uncovered eye.
4. While looking directly at the center dot, note whether all lines of the grid are straight or if any areas are distorted, blurred or dark.
5. Repeat this procedure with the other eye.
6. If any area of the grid looks wavy, blurred or dark, contact your ophthalmologist immediately.
Note: The Amsler Grid is not a substitute for regularly scheduled eye exams, which should take place at least once every two years, and at least once a year after the age of 50. (You may need them even more often depending on your risk factors for AMD.)
Want to test your colour perception? See if you can navigate your way through the Disco Lights maze or take a look at the Kaleidomaze.

Disco Lights
This maze is a test of your colour perception. You may only travel from a pink block to a yellow one, from a yellow block to a blue one, from a blue block to a green one, and from a green block to a pink one on your way to the destination.
The Challenge:
Cross the bridge maze from bottom to top. You do not have to start at a pink square, but you must follow the correct colour sequence. Diagonal moves are not allowed.

This maze is another test of your colour perception. Once again, you may only travel from a pink block to a yellow one, from a yellow block to a blue one, from a blue block to a green one, and from a green block to a pink one on your way to the destination.
The Challenge:
Travel to the centre from any point outside the circle. You do not have to start at a pink square, but you must follow the correct colour sequence. Diagonal moves are not allowed.