They make a habit of napping
A lack of sleep is associated with a great risk of weight gain and increases the production of cortisol, a hormone that triggers stress. But Sarnoff Mednick, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Southern California, doesn’t worry about such things. As profiled by Gene Stone in his book The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick, Mednick would take an afternoon nap for most of his adult life and never suffered from colds or flu. In general, until about the 13th century and the invention of mechanical clocks, humans napped daily. The best time for a short snooze: Between the hours of one and three in the afternoon.
Discover the serious downside to sleeping in on weekends.

They skip the nightcap
Although you may feel as though you fall into a deep slumber after a night of drinking, alcohol actually disrupts your sleep cycle and compromises the quality of your sleep. Sleep is so wonderfully restorative to your immune system; cutting back on drinking will help your body protect against harmful germs you might be encountering.
Feel better faster with the best hangover foods.

They try to drink tea
The act of drinking tea—as well as inhaling the steam that’s produced by a hot beverage—may stimulate hair follicles in the nose, making it easier for you to move germs out of your nose when you breathe.
Did you know about the amazing benefits of green tea?

They have a packed social calendar
You might not think having a social network would count a much as diet and exercise when it comes to good health. But studies suggest that having good buddies can protect against everything from memory loss to heart attacks to infectious diseases. In The Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick, Stone shares the story of Sydney Kling, a former nurse and teacher, who can’t remember being ill in all her 75 years. She credits this to the fact that she is constantly seeking out new friends. Sociability, she claims, increases self-esteem, which in turn, supports the immune system.
Here’s some other ways you can easily boost your immune system.

They don’t skimp on protein
People who eat less protein may have weaker immune systems, according to a study in animals with protein malnutrition. Try to include foods that are rich in protein during every meal as it may help protect against that cold that seems to be plaguing everyone else in the office.
Learn to spot the signs you’re eating too much protein.

They keep their hands to themselves
In public spaces, be mindful of what you’re touching and, whenever possible, keep your hands to yourself. Things like subway poles and stair banisters have been touched by hundreds of people before you and harbor countless harmful germs.
Find out the public places with the most germs.

They book massages
Strengthen your immune system by treating yourself to a massage every few weeks. Your circulation will improve and your cells will be nourished with additional oxygen and blood, both of which may boost your immune system.
To keep your muscles and joints healthy, make sure to follow these pain management tips from Canadian physiotherapists.

They watch their sugar intake
Sugar may impede upon the ability of white blood cells to destroy the viruses and bacteria entering your system, so steering clear of added sugar may help you to stop getting sick.
Here are more ways sugar is making you sick.

They don’t touch their face
If you’re a chronic nail-biter or constantly find yourself touching your face, put a stop to this habit and you’ll find yourself getting sick a lot less. Each time you find yourself reaching for your face, remind yourself that you’re transferring harmful germs to your nose and mouth.
These are the body odours you should never ignore.

They try to get fresh air
While many people think that cold air causes you to get sick during the winter months, it is actually more time spent inside that is making you sick. Try to spend a little time outside each day, regardless of the temperature.
Check out the many benefits associated with cold weather.

They know how to chill out
Maybe you’re a stickler for Zumba, you have favorite music that instantly mellows you out, or curling up with a novel makes the stress of a day melt away. Whatever the method, regular de-stressing is a critical habit of people who don’t get sick. If you’re constantly frazzled, you’re at higher risk for health issues.
Don’t miss these stress management tips from the experts.

They take cold showers
A small body of scientific literature indicates exposure to cold water may increase the body’s natural antioxidants.
Be sure you know the subtle ways your house is making you sick.

They take vitamins if they need to
Proper nutrition is important, and if you’re not getting adequate nutrients from food, you can can also consider taking vitamins. (That is, if your doctor suggests it might be a good idea). One supplement that you might be forgetting? Brewer’s yeast: It’s full of B vitamins, protein and trace minerals, all vital for good health and preventing illness.
Watch out for the signs you’re not getting enough vitamins.

They wash their pet’s food bowl
Your pet’s food bowl could actually be making you and your family sick if you don’t wash it frequently. A study by NSF International showed that pet food bowls ranked as the fourth dirtiest place in the house. Regardless of if you feed your pet dry or wet food, the bowl may have a residue that can harbor bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella.
These are the pets you should keep away from your face.

They pack their own sheets
Typically, most people only pack their own beach towels when going on vacation. But it might be handy to pack your own bed sheets, too. Put your sheets over the one on the hotel bed to create a barrier between yourself and unknown germs.
Watch your quality of life improve when you get rid of these things from your bedroom.

They don’t go to work sick
According to research from global staffing firm Accountemps, 89 per cent of professionals in Canada said that they would still go to work sick. That’s just not healthy. (Although not everyone has a choice when it comes to having the option to take a sick day.)
Consider trying these old-fashioned remedies that actually work!

They get flu shots
Andrew Sussman, MD, CEO of Medforth Global Healthcare Education, says that the most effective way to avoid getting sick is by getting the flu shot.
Read on to find out what your poop can teach you about your health.

They lift weights
Going to the gym is good for losing weight, which ultimately can improve your health. But to avoid getting sick, lifting weights could do just the trick, Stone says in his book. It can reduce the likelihood of heart disease and even depression.
Find out if your lingering cough is the sign of something much worse.

They have stronger vacuums
Everyone buys a vacuum with the assumption it will suck up all the dirt and grime from their floors and leave them with a clean and shiny house. But studies have shown that it’s more common than not for vacuums to actually release dirt and bacteria back into your home. Cleaning your vacuum regularly is the secret to staying healthy at home.
Next, check out more ways to avoid catching a cold this season.