Avoid these potentially harmful products.

General Items
Warning Signs
– No manufacturer information.
– The package does not come in English and French – a requirement in Canada.
– Spelling mistakes in the instructions or on the packaging.
Potential Hazards
– No recourse if something goes wrong with the product.

Electrical Products
(Power cords, extension cords, electrical switches, light bulbs, etc.)
Warning Signs
Warning Signs
– No certification mark – or a fake mark – from a legit third-party testing lab such as the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), International or Underwriters Laboratories (UL) on the packaging and/or the product.
Potential Hazards
– Shock hazard
– Fire hazard

(Vitamins and mineral supplements, natural and homeopathic health products)
Warning Signs
-The item does not have an eight-digit DIN (Drug Identification Number), NPN (Natural Product Number) or DIN-HM (Homeopathic Medicine Number) on the product label and packaging.
Potential Hazards
– Products with the wrong ingredients or dangerous additives.
– Products past their expiry dates.
– Products may contain no active ingredients; active ingredients may not be listed or listed incorrectly.

Kids’ Toys and Jewellery
Warning Signs
– Items made with a high percentage of lead are typically heavy for their size. Unless coated, they may leave a grey mark when rubbed against a white piece of paper, according to Health Canada.
Potential Hazards
– Lead is toxic if ingested by children.
– Cadium, often substituted for lead, is carcinogenic if sucked on or swallowed – keep items away from young children.