1. Get Started
When you arrive at the office, turn on your computer before you take off your jacket or coat. And while you’re entering your password or other security code, listen to the messages on your voicemail.
(Photo: Thinkstock)

2. Focus
When it comes to work, focus on doing one thing at a time and doing it well, to avoid a fractured thinking pattern, which is neither time-efficient nor productive. Multi-tasking is only for robot-type tasks.
(Photo: Thinkstock)

3. Make a Plan… And Stick To It
Check your email at set times. Constantly checking incoming email interrupts your work flow, resulting in a productivity slump. Close your email application and schedule times for opening it to check messages. Open, file or delete and print messages at those set times.
(Photo: Thinkstock)

4. Use To-Do Lists
Use technology to help manage tasks on your to-do list, but don’t get bogged down by it. Find a software which allows you to keep track of tasks within a project and the people you’ve delegated tasks to, so that you can keep track of team projects in addition to your own tasks.
(Photo: Thinkstock)

5. Plan What’s Possible
Don’t plan to do more than is possible in a single day. Make your timetable work efficiently by noting the time meetings start and end, then try to stick to those times as much as possible.
(Photo: Thinkstock)