What Your Burps Can Reveal About Your Health
While most burping is perfectly normal, it can also be the sign of an underlying medical issue. Find out what...

What Was Eating Away at This Young Woman’s Sternum?
27-year-old Amber was worried her chest pain was a sign of cancer. What the MRI revealed threw her—and her doctor—for...

Signs of Oral Cancer You Should Never Ignore
When it's caught quickly, oral cancer is easy to treat. Learn how to spot the signs and symptoms early on.

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease You Might Be Ignoring
Tremors aren't the only symptom of this debilitating condition that affects 100,000 Canadians.

Are the People Around You Losing Their Hearing, Or Could *You* Be Losing Your Voice?
Learn how to spot the signs of strained vocal cords and other vocal cord disorders.

10 Home Remedies Backed by Science
No need to make a trip to the pharmacy—you'll find relief from these common ailments right under your roof.

What Your Nails Can Reveal About Your Health
What can the condition of your nails tell you about your overall health? Lots, as it turns out! Here's what...

9 Health Clues Hiding Right on Your Tongue
See something funky in the mirror? Don’t worry, it’s most likely not a strange tongue disease. It could, however, signal...

Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
Cancer isn’t always the cause of these symptoms, but if they persist, getting checked out could save your life.

Silent Signs of Stress You Might Be Ignoring
Suffering from headaches? Sudden weight gain? These strange, seemingly unconnected symptoms could actually be responses to stress.

Doctors Were Baffled by the Black Spot on This 65-Year-Old’s Lung Scan
Could it somehow be the source of his flu-like symptoms and heart palpitations?

This Condition Increases Your Risk For Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease—And 30% of Us Have It
Find out what a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome entails, who's most at risk, and how it can be treated.

10 Surprising Conditions Your Hands Might Predict
From finger length to grip strength, our hands can indicate risk factors for a number of surprising conditions.

Silent Signs of Anemia You Might Be Ignoring
If you’re constantly feeling run-down, it might be time to boost your intake of iron and vitamin B12.

This Man’s Medical Nightmare Will Make You Think Twice About How You Dress Your Bed
No one thought to draw a connection between his severe breathlessness and a recent purchase...

Silent Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes You Might Be Missing
There are some early symptoms of type 2 diabetes, but they can be subtle enough that you might not notice....

The Best Foods to Fight Inflammation
Filling up on these anti-inflammatory foods may help ease the pain associated with arthritis.

What Your Farts Can Reveal About Your Health
You can't always blame beans! In fact, your excess gas could be a sign you're eating too fast.

What Was Causing Little Kelly’s Uncontrollable Muscle Spasms?
The child's debilitating symptoms were a medical mystery, until a doctor discovered a genetic mutation so rare as to be...

Signs of Disease That Are Written All Over Your Face
When doctors chat with patients eye to eye, it’s not just about creating rapport. Certain facial traits may reveal vital...

What It’s Like Living With Generalized Anxiety Disorder
As anxiety disorders go, this is one of the most common—especially in older adults.

Are You Simply Tired, Or Could It Be a Case of Chronic Fatigue?
Here's what you should know about this frequently misunderstood health condition.

Sneaky Heart Disease Symptoms That Women Often Ignore
While women experience chest pain in nearly two-thirds of heart disease cases, that’s often not their primary symptom.

Yes, You Can Reverse Heart Disease—Here’s How
Certain lifestyle factors contributing to heart disease are within your control—even after the condition has taken hold.

His Tests Ruled Out a Heart Attack—But One Doctor Wasn’t Convinced
Unfortunately, a number of challenges stood in the way of diagnosing the young man's rapidly deteriorating condition...

This Young Woman Was Haunted By the Sounds of Elevator Music and Seagulls Squawking—But Nothing Was ...
The auditory hallucinations were only the beginning of her terrifying medical mystery.

You Really Need to Stop Cleaning Your Ears With Cotton Swabs
Earwax is part of your body's defense system. Here's how to manage it without damaging your hearing.

What It Could Mean If You Have White Spots on Your Nails
Called leukonychia, those white spots can have a variety of causes, from small cosmetic issues to major, life-threatening illnesses.

Doctors Thought This Ontario Teen Had E. Coli—Until Her Organs Started Failing
But if it wasn't the raw cookie dough Claire had eaten, what could possibly be causing her body to shut...