Transform BBQ Basics
If you’re serving something as traditional as BBQ burgers and hot dogs, play dress-up by laying out a spread of bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and other basic condiments. If you cook chicken or fish, serve it with different types of marinades. The variety of selections allow your guests to create their own meal, and you won’t spend a fortune on gourmet ingredients.

Serve What’s in Season
Fruits, vegetables and fish are always cheaper at the peak of the season. Look for the best discounts in your area, and be sure to check out your local farmer’s market for good deals on produce.

Don’t Go Overboard With Decorations
Decorations aren’t necessary for a fun barbeque. If you do want to spruce up the atmosphere, however, purchase decorations from the dollar store, which has ideas for almost every occasion. A bag of balloons, bright table cloths, and crêpe streamers will do the trick.

Know Your Guests
Don’t stress about impressing your guests with an elaborate menu. Instead of trying difficult recipes, serve simple dishes that you know they will like. Plus, if the kids at your barbeque are picky eaters, your uncomplicated menu is bound to please them.

Make it a Potluck
Save money on your barbeque by asking your guests to bring an appetizer or dessert. This will give your menu some delicious surprises, and it will help you keep the cost down.

Use What You’ve Got
Don’t blow your budget on holiday-specific paper plates and plastic cups. Make use of the dishes in your cabinet instead. You’ll be saving money and making an eco-friendly decision.

Buy Cans Instead of Bottles
Instead of setting out bottles of soda at your barbeque, place cans in a cooler with ice. That way any leftovers are completely reusable, and you won’t be stuck with half-full bottles of flat soda.
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7 Commandments for a Healthy BBQ