1. Criss-Cross
Use crimped pastry wheel to cut dough into 6 strips, ½ inch (1 cm) thick and about 4 inches (10 cm) long. Place 3 of the strips, running in same direction, on work surface, leaving a scant quarter inch (0.6 cm) between each. Weave remaining strips under and over these; transfer to pie top. Trim overhang.
Illustration: Pierre Loranger

2. The Caterpillar
Cut out tiny pastry rounds and lay on top of pie, overlapping slightly, in a circular shape starting at the outer edge and finishing up in the centre. Brush egg wash between pastry pieces as glue.
Illustration: Pierre Loranger

3. The Monogram
Create monograms by rolling extra dough into long, slender ropes. Shape into first initial of diners’ names and trim ends; affix to top crust with egg wash.
Illustration: Pierre Loranger