1. The Game Changer
Wreck-It Ralph
Disney takes a left turn with its 52nd animated feature. Where the bulk of the Mouse’s movies draw from fairy tales and fables, Wreck-It Ralph unfolds in an arcade. A video-game villain (John C. Reilly) jumps consoles to remake himself as a hero in this story featuring characters from Super Mario, Pac-Man, Frogger, Street Fighter and other beloved games. In theatres Nov. 2.

2. Everybody Is Kung-Fu Fighting
The Man With the Iron Fists
Russell Crowe and Lucy Liu star in the directorial debut of hip-hop icon RZA of Wu-Tang Clan (who also plays the lead, a blacksmith). Like much of RZA’s music, The Man With the Iron Fists draws its inspiration from Chinese legend and classic kung-fu double bills. In theatres Nov. 2.

3. Mehta’s Magic Realism
Midnight’s Children
Toronto director Deepa Mehta’s adaptation of the much-lauded Salman Rushdie novel is her most ambitious film yet. Based on the story of children born on the eve of India’s independence who realize they have special powers, the sprawling epic was filmed in 64 locations, features over 120 speaking roles and includes scenes with over 3,000 extras. In theatres Oct. 26.

4. Crazy Kids in Love, Part One
Silver Linings Playbook
Winner of the People’s Choice Award at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, the latest from director David O. Russell (Three Kings, The Fighter) stars Bradley Cooper in the role of a manic-depressive trying to get his life back together after beating up his wife’s lover. It’s winsome due largely to Cooper’s turn as the likeable schlub and the in-demand Jennifer Lawrence as a young, unhinged widow. In theatres Nov. 21.

5. Crazy Kids in Love, Part Two
In his best film to date, Wes Anderson, the American master of quirk, gets at the heart of puppy love with this sweet romance about two preteen paramours being pursued by their parents through a New England forest. Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Bruce Willis and Tilda Swinton form the excellent grown-up cast. On DVD and Blu-ray Oct. 16.